“Are you certain about this, my liege?”

Mordred shrugged as he pulled his cape around his shoulders. Galahad was always one to express concern for everything. Especially in matters that involved change or uncertainty. Holding his hands out in front of him to warm them by the fire of his library, he finally responded to the knight’s question. “Of course not. But I fear I do not have a better path forward. Do you?”

Galahad sighed. “No. I am not one for wanton cruelty. But to let her stay free from the Crystal seems to run counter to your goals. I am merely surprised.”

“It wasn’t just power that escaped the Crystal that day, Galahad. It was driven by a sentience. I know it. And whatever—whoever—escaped, is still pulling her strings. Rightfully, she does not trust me with the truth. I must spend the time to earn it. Though I must admit, I am enjoying the nature of the distraction.”


He chuckled. “What? Am I not allowed to enjoy someone’s company for a change? Please, old friend. You are wonderful for companionship, but you lack a certain…quality.” He grinned at the knight.

“Now I am quite convinced you have lost your mind.” Galahad walked to the wall to pour himself a glass of liquor. He was considerate as always and poured two. “You cannot have taken to her so quickly. And, if she is deceiving you, she is dangerous.”

“I am unsure if she is deceiving me out of treachery or if she is hiding the full truth of it for her own safety.” He took the glass that Galahad offered as the tall, lanky knight approached. “And if it is the latter, I cannot very well judge her for it.”

Gwendolyn was safe from him for the moment…for as long as the mystery remained of who forced the power upon her, he would not act. And there was no kind end for the young woman ahead of her, no matter how Mordred might wish to paint it otherwise for her benefit.

“She is bound for the Crystal.” Galahad’s words were not harsh. Simply stating facts.

Mordred sighed and took a drink from the glass. “I know.” There was sense in not permitting himself to enjoy Gwendolyn’s company. He should not allow himself to see in her a spark of hope for something that he had been devoid of for so very long.

Hope that perhaps he would not forever be alone.

His knights were tolerable, and he was grateful for their presence. But they were his creations, the same as the sculptured armor that served him. It was not the same. He shut his eyes.

“Then, I will counsel you against becoming…entangled with the young woman.”

“Believe me, I know.” He vanished one of his metal gauntlets so he could rub at his temple. “But I must gain her trust to learn the truth. And I cannot do so by being aloof and distant.”

“Then guard yourself against what will happen when she must inevitably join the rest.” Galahad put his hand on Mordred’s shoulder. “I do not wish to see you bring yourself such pain.”

“Truly? Considering the irony of the situation?” He sneered and decided to down the rest of his glass in one gulp before putting it on the mantel. “Seeing what you lost to the Crystal when I waged my war?”

Galahad dropped his hand. “We have been through this. I am loyal to you, my liege.”

“Because you must be. Because it cannot matter to you what I have robbed from you, for I have not given you the ability to act against me.” Mordred walked away to sit down in his large, upholstered chair by the fire. “Would that you had the freedom to choose, perhaps our friendship would be more fulfilling.”

“Yet it is a moot point of discussion. And simply because I am incapable of the desire for revenge upon you does not make it also equally true that I do not wish to see you suffer the same pain I have endured at your hand.” Galahad turned to leave the room. “But do as you will, my liege.”

“I always do.”

Galahad shut the door behind him with a click, leaving Mordred alone with his thoughts.

Which, perhaps, was keen enough revenge on its own.

* * *

Gwen woke up when something bit her hand. “Ow! Sonova—” She rolled onto her back and waved her hand, glaring at the offending creature. Which was, entirely unsurprisingly, Merlin. “Why do you have to be so mean?”

“Why do you have to be so stupid?” He was sitting on her pillow, swishing his tail. “And keep your damn voice down, will you? We do not want the guards to hear.”

Sighing, she stuck her finger in her mouth for a second. “Whatever. Jerk.” She rolled onto her side, facing away from the cat. “What do you want?”

“I have decided on a plan of action in order to get that bastard to take the necklace off you.”


“You will seduce him.”