“Do…they remember what or who they used to be?” Poor Maewenn. Poor guards. Poor Tiny.

“No. I assure you, they do not suffer.” Mordred’s voice was cold and matter-of-fact. “I fear you must decide whether or not I am the villain others make me.”

He pulled the hood of his cloak over his head, obscuring his features. He looked for all the world like the Grim Reaper in rusted armor.

“Maybe if you didn’t look so scary, people wouldn’t be, y’know, so scared.” It was a stupid suggestion, she knew, but she didn’t know what else to say. When he turned his head to her, clearly shooting her a look, she shrugged. “What? I mean. You are.”

“If I cannot command respect, I shall command fear.”

“And, again, you wonder why nobody likes you.”

“I do not wonder, firefly.” He lifted one of his clawed gauntlets, scraping the thumb and forefinger together with a quietscreeech.“I am well aware.”

“Then maybe you should stop being so moody about it,” she mumbled under her breath.


“Nothing.” She smiled.

“Hm.” It was clear he didn’t believe her. But he also didn’t seem too upset. “Am I going to be the victim of your loose tongue, now that you are no longer concerned I will rip your heart from your chest?”

“I mean, probably.” She wished she owned pockets. She liked to tuck her hands into things. “And are you?”

“I am still not planning on murdering you.”

“Then, there we go.” She smiled. It didn’t stop the fact that the man looked like something out of a nightmare. But at least she wasn’t having a panic attack just by standing near him.

He continued after a pause. “But I never said anything about torture.”

That made her come to a full stop. “Wait—what?”

He turned to face her. “Come now.” He placed the tip of his clawed pointer finger underneath her chin, and used it to lift her head up toward him. “Can you not tell when I am teasing you?”

That isn’t the problem.Her cheeks went warm.

She didn’t know what to do. But he took pity on her and dropped his hand from her chin. “Come.” He began walking again. “We are nearly to the city square.”

She fell in step beside him again. They were just starting to get to the center of the city. There were shops huddled close together, the windows advertising everything from hardware to cheese, furniture, dresses, fabric, fruit, and more. Rolling carts were set up down the middle of the cobblestone road, the sellers hawking their wares to passersby. Until they saw Mordred. Then, they all quickly fell silent.

It took her a second to realize that they weren’t just staring at him—they were also staring at her. She looked down at herself, trying to figure out why. And then it hit her. Right. She was an elemental—a thing that hadn’t been free in Avalon for three hundred something years.

And she was wearing an iron necklace.

She couldn’t even imagine what they were all thinking. Or, rather, she really could. Her face went hot, and she felt so damn ashamed of herself, she found herself staring at her feet to keep from meeting their wide-eyed stares.

“What is wrong?” Mordred paused, before clearly putting it together himself as well. “Ah. Yes.Well.” He huffed. “I suppose this will do little to improve my reputation, now will it?”

“You don’t have to sound so damn happy about it,” she grumbled. “This is so embarrassing. I must look like your damn pet.”

“You are not leashed.” He really did sound amused. “Although…that is not to say that I am not tempted.”

“Augh!” She covered her face with her hands. “Stop it, I swear to fuck if I could burst into flames right now, I would.”

He chuckled. “Then, I am doubly glad for the necklace.” His claw crooked under her chin again, this time using the side instead of the point. “Remember that these are peasants—they know nothing of you or your circumstances. Nor would they pay much mind if you told them.”

“You don’t think much of your people, huh?”

“No.” He lowered his hand to his side. “Nor have they given me reason to change that opinion. Now…you wished to see more of Avalon, did you not?” He gestured out at the street. “Enjoy. And do not linger. I dislike it here.”