I glanced at the hulking man who’d become a friend. “We need a private place to talk.”

He nodded and then led me and Summer down a hall and to a small room that looked like an employee break room. “I’ll be right outside.”

I was still clasping Summer’s hand when she turned to me. “Who was that guy?”

“That’s Hudson. He’s my security.”

I studied her face as she took in my words. “He didn’t go to Idaho with you?”

“No. We decided it wasn’t necessary. I only need him for high-profile events when we’re off tour.” I gestured to the olive green couch. “Let’s sit down.”

She pulled her hand away and then sat. I wanted to pull her into my arms, but instead, I gave her some room. The space between us felt unnatural, filling me with anxiety.

“I wanted to tell you, Summer. If I knew you were coming tonight, I would have.” My excuse sounded lame.

She slumped against the couch cushions. “Your friends have been really nice to me. Plus, I’ve had lots of alcohol and I’m tired. I should be a lot angrier right now — like I was at the concert because I felt incredibly stupid, Knox. I was calling you Scotty like a total dork. No one knew who I was talking about.”

“You’re not a dork. My mates — only my best mates — call me Scotty sometimes.” I could see why she was embarrassed, but none of my friends were going to judge her for this. Meanwhile, I’d most likely face relentless teasing about it for life.

She placed her untouched glass of champagne on the table in front of us. “They only call you Scotty because you’re from Scotland. Ugh. And I told them you were a roadie. They must think I’m such a fool.”

“I never meant for it to go this far, Summer. I was being selfish. I liked being with you as just plain Scotty. We were having fun together and your parents accepted me for who I was. I didn’t realize I’d ... develop deeper feelings.”

I was trying to open up to her and show a little vulnerability in the hopes that she’d realize this wasn’t a game to me. It was hard to do. I hadn’t exposed myself to rejection in a long time.

Her eyes shined with intensity. “You’re in a rock band. I never would have given you the time of day if I knew.”

My laugh had a bite to it. “I actually admire that. These days I only ever encounter women who use me. Even if I wasn’t pursuing actual relationships with them, it starts to feel really twisted. It’s only gotten worse the more popular Ghost Parker has gotten.”

She rolled her eyes. “Rock star problems...”

“It’s a tough life, baby,” I joked. I slid closer to her as I turned the conversation more serious. “If we decide to pursue an actual relationship, you’ll have the tough part. It can be hard to look past the groupies and the tabloids that print garbage to see the truth. You’ll have to trust me, Summer, especially when I’m away and on tour. I’ve seen how hard that is on Talia and Kaylie, but it’s working for them. And I’ve never seen Ryder or Sid happier than they are now. That’s if you still want to give us a chance.”

I held my breath as I waited for her answer.

“Everything is totally different now. These are all new waters for me to navigate, but I do want to try. I still want to take it slow.” She broke eye contact with me and looked down at her hands as she explained, “My head is still spinning with all of this; I’m still calling you Scotty in my mind. It’s just crazy. I need to make sure that I still like you in the morning when I remember that you’re a big rock star. And you’re rich, too. That’s two strikes against you.”

“Are you serious?” I laughed incredulously. “I’m still a normal bloke, Sunshine. Most of my money is just sitting in a bank account. I don’t even know how to spend it.”

She placed her hand on my chest. “I’m sure I can help you spend a little of it.”

I captured her hand in mine before she could move it away. “What would you spend it on?”

She thought for a moment. “You could take me on a marvelous vacation. I’m talking white sand beaches. Crystal clear water. Frozen cocktails on the beach served out of pineapples. With those little mini umbrellas.”

She was thinking about a future for us and I liked it. “And you in that tiny bikini? I love it. What else would you spend it on?”

She frowned. “I don’t know. Oh, you should get a better place. Your friends said your apartment is a dump.”

I laughed and then pulled her into my arms. I nuzzled into her neck. “Don’t you want diamonds and jewelry? Or, I could buy you a new car. Or designer clothes. Stuff like that.”

She wiggled on my lap. “I don’t care about stuff like that.”

“Me neither. I did buy a $60,000 guitar, though.”

She sat up straight. “Oh, my God. You really are that rich?”

I looked right into her brilliant blue eyes. “It means nothing if I’m not happy. And you make me happy. We’ll take it slow, but now that you know all my secrets, I’m not letting you run away again.”