She had been upset last night, but I couldn’t get her to tell me why. I guess it didn’t matter since we were heading home today, and after today, we wouldn’t have to pretend to be dating anymore. We could go our separate ways, but I was hoping we could remain friends. We both lived in the same city and she’d been fun to hang out with. It was time I expanded my circle of friends outside of the band.

She was unusually quiet when she got out of the shower. She began packing up her clothes while I showered and got ready for the day. By nine o’clock, we were ready to check out of the yurt.

We met her parents for breakfast at the hotel. We had a nice, leisurely breakfast and then loaded all our luggage into the rental car. Summer spent most of the car ride talking to her mom or playing on her phone. There wasn’t much chance for us to talk.

Part of me felt like I was getting the cold shoulder, but I wasn’t too worried. I’d have plenty of time to talk to her on the plane and figure out what was going on with her. I suspected that her mother’s cancer and upcoming surgery were heavy on her mind and that was understandable, but I wanted to help instead of her shutting me out.

We parted ways with her parents at the airport. I got a big hug from Lara and then a backslap and a handshake from Jim before I stood back to give them some privacy and watched Summer say goodbye. Even Jim had a tear in his eye when Summer and Lara pulled apart from their long embrace.

Summer kissed them both and then pulled herself away, a few tears trickling down her face. I grabbed her hand as she neared and we walked toward our gate for a couple of minutes until I heard a stifled sob and saw the tears really spilling.

I pulled her into my arms and rubbed her back. She melted into me, accepting my comfort for several long moments, until she pulled away. She angrily wiped the tears from her eyes and then continued walking without speaking a word. I trailed after her, wishing I could soothe her anxiety and fear about her mom.

When we reached our gate, I sat down next to her. “Can I get you anything?”

“No, I’m fine.” She distracted herself with her phone, and I decided to let her be for now.

Suddenly, I wanted my guitar. I couldn’t even remember the last time I’d gone so long without playing. After Aila died, playing guitar had been my only solace. In a way, playing was an escape from reality. Bored out of my mind as I waited to get on the plane, with Summer all but ignoring me, I needed that escape.

I sighed with relief when the announcement came over the speakers that the plane was boarding. We gathered up our stuff and got in line to board.

A girl, in her early 20s, was sitting in the aisle seat of our row. She was watching us approach with wide, beseeching eyes, and her whole face lit up when we sat down next to her. Christ, did she recognize me? I suddenly wished I’d put on my baseball cap. We were on a plane back to L.A. and back to reality, where people might recognize me.

The last thing I needed was for Summer to find out who I was right now when she was in a horrible state of mind. I needed to tell her myself the next time I saw her. I’d set up a date with her and tell her in private. I’d find a way to make her understand why I did it.

The girl turned to me and I cringed, waiting for what was about to come out of her mouth.

“My boyfriend and I got separated. He’s seated way up front. Would either of you mind switching seats with him?”

I blew out a breath of relief. I pointed between Summer and me. “We’re together, too.”

Summer looked at me funny. “We’re not really together, so I wouldn’t mind switching. Where is he sitting?”

A huge smile broke out on the girl’s face, and she bounced in her seat. “Thank you so much! He’s in the aisle seat in row 7. His name is John.”

Summer picked up her backpack off the seat and hurled it over her shoulder. “I’ll send him back.”

I grabbed her arm before she could leave. “Wait, you’re going?”

“Why not?” She shrugged. “She wants to sit with her boyfriend.”

I dropped my arm, and she walked away without another word.

The flight was long and boring, and I was trapped with nothing but my thoughts. And they were in turmoil.

Summer and I had grown closer and the thought of her slipping away was like a stab in the chest. I knew she was scared and worried about her mom, but why was she pushing me away?

I wanted to help, but she shut me out. It felt like every time I tried to get closer to her, she’d just back away. I couldn’t understand why she was acting like she had no feelings for me at all. We had amazing sex together, and we got along great. I liked her and yet it felt like she was brushing me off.

What the fuck! There was absolutely no way she was walking away from this without a backward glance.

When the plane landed at LAX, I dug my baseball cap out of my bag and put it on my head. Impatiently, I waited for the people in front of me to deplane. When I finally made it off the plane, I looked around for Summer. She was nowhere to be found.

Dammit. My blood boiled. What kind of game was she playing with me?

She’d checked her giant suitcase, so I knew I’d find her in the baggage claim area. I scanned the airport as I walked, keeping an eye out for her, and made my way to the baggage carousel for our flight.

I found her leaning up against a pillar, standing back from the crowd of hungry vultures waiting for their bags to spit out onto the conveyor belt.