Guilt pooled in my stomach as I watched my mom wring her hands apologetically. “I know, Mom. You don’t have to worry about me so much. I’m perfectly fine.”

She smiled. “It helps that I see with my own two eyes that you’re doing fine.” She flashed a big smile at Scotty. “I promise I’ll let up on the phone calls and all the worrying now that I know you’re really okay.”

I had to bite my tongue. Was it any wonder I’d faked a boyfriend in the first place? She was only relieved because I had a man looking out for me, and I was about to dispel her of that notion quite unceremoniously.

I didn’t need a man. In fact, I was proving it every single day that I spent making it out here in L.A. on my own. That I didn’t need a man didn’t mean I didn’t desire one. All my disastrous relationships were evidence that, deep down, I still wanted a man in my life. Just not the losers that I seemed to perpetually attract, but that was a discussion I’d had with my mom over and over that never seemed to stick. My parents were high-school sweethearts. I’m sure my mother couldn’t even imagine living without my dad’s support and vice versa.

Regardless of what my mom believed I needed, it was time to rip off the Band-aid and confess the truth — I didn’t have a boyfriend. I glanced over at Scotty and he nodded reassuringly to me.

“Mom, there’s something I have to...”

My voice trailed off because just then the server arrived at our table with our desserts. Even after our waitress left, my mom was too busy exclaiming over her tasty masterpiece, chocolate mousse topped with raspberries, to hear my confession. I pushed the slice of carrot cake around my plate; the slight reprieve had only made me more nervous.

God, I couldn’t believe I got myself into this situation!

“Sweetie,” — Mom’s gaze was overflowing with happiness — “I have a surprise for you!”

“What kind of surprise?” I asked a bit warily.

She glanced at Dad like they’d been sharing a secret before she answered. “I know your birthday is not until next month, and I know this is last minute, but I booked the four of us for a long weekend getaway at the Crystal Cascadia Spa and Wellness Center in Idaho. It’s going to be so much fun!”

Wait. What? “A spa trip?”

“Yes!” She was bursting with excitement. “When you told me you had leftover vacation days from last year that you had to use or lose, I booked it. Your flight leaves from LAX to Boise at 10 a.m. on Thursday. There will be a shuttle waiting at the airport to bring you to the resort, which is about 2 hours north of Boise. Dad and I will fly in from Kentucky, so we’ll be several hours behind you.”

I sucked in a breath. “Wait, you mean this Thursday? I don’t even know if I can take the time off work. And you said the four of us? You want Scotty to go with us? This is crazy!”

My mom laughed, a sweet tinkling sound. “I knew this might be a bit too spontaneous for your liking, but you’ve been working so hard. I just want to spend some time with my daughter and celebrate your upcoming birthday.”

“Mom, I don’t know. This is too much. I can’t just drop everything and go on vacation.”

The smile dropped from her face. “Please say you’ll go. It’s very important to me.”

I felt my dad’s intense gaze on me. It was like he was willing me to say yes without speaking any words.

“It’s just so last minute. Maybe we can book a trip later? When I can plan for it better.”

Her voice was almost a whisper. “I can’t wait till later.”

The disappointed look in my mom’s eyes was making me squirm. “I just don’t think I can get away right now.”

Her devastation was palpable. Her eyes had gone glassy; I was pretty sure they were filling up with tears. What the hell kind of guilt trip was this?

Scotty’s hand found mine and squeezed it under the table. How could the man that didn’t even know my name understand how riotously my emotions were swirling, mainly with confusion? His instinct was to comfort me. He sat solidly beside me, a wall of support, and suddenly, I wished he really was my boyfriend. I knew I should remove my hand from his, but I liked the feeling it evoked too much.

I watched while Dad laid his hand on my mom’s shoulder in a calming gesture. He leaned in and spoke quietly to her, soothing her like she was a toddler about to burst into a tantrum. He was treating her like a piece of fragile glass.

My confusion turned to anger. I didn’t like being manipulated. All these antics because I couldn’t go on a surprise trip my mom foisted on me at the last minute? It seemed so over the top, even for my mom. The more I watched my dad whispering to her, the more I felt like I was about to erupt.

I opened my mouth, about to spout off, when Scotty squeezed my hand in warning. My head turned to him and he shook his head, mouthing the word ‘no’. He was telling me to cool it — to stop whatever dumb stuff was about to come out of my mouth.

I bit my tongue, keeping myself from exploding like a recalcitrant child. Scotty was right; the middle of a crowded restaurant was not the place to get into a fight with my parents.

Dad was still rubbing her arm. “You have to tell her, Lara. It’s time.”

My ears pricked up at the words. “Tell me what?” I demanded.

My mother looked horrified while my dad watched her sympathetically. Something else was going on here and I had no clue what it was, but the reluctance mixed with dread in my mother’s eyes had me terrified. I clung to Scotty’s hand, waiting for the shoe to drop.