“Fine,” he spat out, his eyes never leaving mine as he turned to walk away. “You were always too damn needy, anyway.”

I watched him go, feeling both relieved and vindicated. With Knox by my side, I knew I was strong enough to face my past and finally break free from its hold.

“Summer? Are you okay?” Knox’s concerned voice broke through my thoughts as he wrapped a protective arm around my waist. His touch felt like an anchor, keeping me steady and grounded. I leaned into his embrace, grateful for his support.

“Thank you,” I murmured, burying my face in his chest. “I’m fine now.”

“Good,” he said, pressing a soft kiss to the top of my head. “Because no one messes with my lass.”

His declaration sent a warm glow throughout my body. I looked up at him, my heart swelling with gratitude. “You’re amazing, Limpie Pie.”

He groaned, his eyes crinkling at the corners. “Only for you, my wee Bouncy Bumpkin.”

We spent the afternoon placing bets and cheering on the horses in the undercard races, giving back all my winnings and then some. We ate and drank, checked on my parents, and even ran into another old friend when we visited the paddock area. By the time “My Old Kentucky Home” was played, the crowd was worked up to a fever pitch. The horses entered the track to a giant cheer. Time seemed to stand still as we waited for what was called the most exciting 2 minutes in sports.

And then it was over. Instead of feeling the letdown of another fun Derby gone by, I was elated to have Knox at my side, experiencing it. I’d been to about a dozen Derby Days, but this was my all-time favorite.

With the Derby behind us, we made our way to an after-party hosted by one of my sorority sisters. where many of my old college friends were gathered. The atmosphere was lively, with people laughing and sharing stories of their time at the races. As we entered the room, I couldn’t help but notice the admiring glances cast in Knox’s direction. I felt a surge of pride that this gorgeous, talented man was here with me.

“Hey, aren’t you the guitarist from Ghost Parker?” someone called out, causing a few heads to turn.

“Not tonight, mate,” he replied with a charming smile. “I’m Summer’s date.”

“Wow, you really hit the jackpot, huh, Summer?” My friend Stephanie teased, giving me a knowing wink. I blushed, feeling incredibly lucky to have Knox by my side.

“Believe me, I know,” I whispered back, the corners of my mouth lifting into a smile.

As the night wore on, we mingled and danced, losing ourselves in the music and each other’s company. Knox was not a wallflower; he made a point to get to know my friends, and it was clear that they were just as awed by him as I was.

“Summer,” he whispered in my ear as we leaned up against the wall together. “This has been an incredible day.”

“I loved it too,” I admitted, my voice barely audible above the hum of conversation around us. “Thank you for everything, Knox.”

“Always, Sunshine,” he promised, pulling me closer. “Always.”

My heart fluttered in my chest as Knox took my hand and led me out of the living room, away from the laughter and clinking glasses. He looked back at me with a mischievous grin, his eyes filled with excitement and something deeper I couldn’t quite put my finger on.

“Where are we going?” I asked, trying to keep my voice steady, but it betrayed me, coming out husky with anticipation.

“Somewhere more private,” he replied softly.

As we slipped out the door into the backyard, we realized that there would be no privacy out there. Even more partygoers had arrived until the backyard was full of people.

I slipped my arms around his neck. “Are you ready to go home? It’s been a long day and I’m ready for some alone time with you.”

He gave me a soft kiss on the lips. He pulled out his phone. “That sounds perfect. I’ll order a ride. What’s your parent’s address?”

I rested my head against his shoulder on the ride home. I must have dozed off because suddenly we were pulling up the driveway of my childhood home.

Reminding me of my teenage years, a small table lamp was left on for us in the foyer, but the rest of the house was dark. I clicked off the lamp and then felt Knox right behind me. I spun around and then pulled him closer. My hands slid over his chest and then I began unbuttoning his shirt.

He captured my hand and stilled it. “First, take me to your room, and then have your way with me, lass.”

I grabbed his hand and as we slipped down the hallway, I felt a thrill run through me. It was like being a teenager again, sneaking around my parents’ house late at night. An odd mixture of nostalgia and rebellion bubbled up inside me, and I couldn’t help but giggle at the thought of what we were about to do.

“Shh,” Knox whispered, smirking at me as he pressed a finger to his lips. “We don’t want to get caught, do we?”

I shook my head, biting my lip to suppress any more laughter. The truth was, getting caught was the last thing on my mind.