Her gaze shifted to the stage. “You said he’s a member of the crew?”

“Yeah.” Her weird reaction was making me uneasy.

“He doesn’t happen to be from Scotland, does he?” Her hands were wringing in her lap.

I studied her face. “Yeah. Do you know him?”

She flinched, looking extremely uncomfortable. “Oh boy. I do.”

“Why are you making that funny face? Is there something I should know?” My stomach sank. “Is he married? Does he have a girlfriend? Just tell me now. I’ve been burned by so many assholes in the past, I rather just know the truth before I get too invested.”

Hearing my agitation, she put out her hand to soothe me. “No, he doesn’t have a girlfriend or wife. But, he’s not really a crew member, precisely. What did he tell you he does for the band?”

What did it matter? I tossed up my hands. “He said he goes on tour with them. He travels around the world and does roadie stuff, I guess. I didn’t really grill him on all the ins and outs of it. He told my father that he was in ‘music production’, which was kind of funny.”

She raised an eyebrow. “He met your father?”

I nodded. “Yes, both my parents. We went away on a weekend getaway with them.”

She glanced up at the stage, but as far as I could tell, nothing was going on yet. “Very interesting,” was her only comment.

I frowned. “I feel like you’re not telling me something. Something important.”

She cringed again. like she felt a lot of second-hand embarrassment. “I think you’re about to find out.”

I didn’t have time to press her, because suddenly the crowd started going crazy. Even the rich VIPs in their designer clothes, dripping in their jewels and fancy watches, all stood up to cheer. The band was coming onto the stage.

I shook off my unease and let the crowd’s enthusiasm sweep me up. I stood up and started clapping as the drummer took his place behind his drum kit and two other guys carrying guitars crossed right in front of me and positioned themselves on the other side of the stage.

A giant roar went up when the lead singer came out and stood center stage in front of a microphone stand. I had to bend my neck to look up at him. I was at eye level with his feet, but I could see why Celia had called him hot. He radiated intensity and, as I studied his handsome features, I definitely knew that I’d seen him before in the media. This was the famous Ghost Parker. There was only about a four-foot gap between the railing I was leaning against and the stage. He was so close that if he accidentally spit while he sang, I was sure to be showered with it. I turned on my camera app and snapped a few pictures for Celia.

There was another guy with a guitar on the stage to my right. He walked over and said something that got Ghost’s attention. I pulled my gaze away from the enigmatic Ghost and glanced at the other guy.

My heart stopped as an electric jolt surged through my veins. I felt the hairs on my arms stand up and a wave of fire raced across my skin. My limbs felt like they had been encased in ice, yet I was drenched in sweat. I was paralyzed, unable to move or speak; I had never experienced such intensity before. It was like a searing bolt of lightning had hit me with a blast that shook me to my core.

Scotty was on the stage holding a guitar. I stared up at him, my mouth agape. He strummed a quick fiery lick on his guitar and then looked over at one of his bandmates and grinned.

Ghost began speaking into the microphone, addressing the audience, but I couldn’t process anything he was saying. My eyes were glued to Scotty.

I realized that Talia had grabbed my hand. I looked at her desperately searching for answers. “What is going on? He’s not a roadie?”

She squeezed my hand, wincing slightly. I couldn’t hear her answer over the driving beat of the music, but I could lip-read quite well. “No. He’s the guitarist for Ghost Parker.”

Had he lied to me this whole time? The band launched into a song. Everyone was singing and dancing, screaming for the band, except for me. I was devastated.

I sunk down into my chair. My mind was numb. This must be some kind of cosmic joke. Time seemed to slow down, but I knew it was steadily marching on when the guy in the seat behind me bumped the back of my head for the fifth time. Ghost Parker had played several songs while I’d sat out the mayhem surrounding me in shock.

At some point, the shock must have worn off sufficiently to let a little humiliation in. And a touch of anger. I looked up at Scotty, watching him play his guitar for a few moments. He ruled the stage with confidence and swagger. There was no doubt he was in his element.

God, I was such a fool. My heart racing, I stood up. Somewhat rudely, I started pushing through the people standing in front of their seats, blocking my exit. I just needed to escape.

I made it to the end of the row before I felt a hand on my arm. It was Talia. She crooked her head for me to follow. She flashed our passes to several security personnel as she tugged me forward, and soon we were somewhere behind the scenes where the music was still loud but muffled. Maybe now I could think for a moment.

Talia kept leading me through the maze-like backstage. “Are you okay?”

“No.” I clenched my jaw. “I’m upset, humiliated, angry, and ... probably some other things. Why would he do this to me?”

She led me through a door and then down another hall. “I don’t know. It doesn’t make sense.”