There would be no emotional attachments. No getting close or learning about him as a person. And absolutely no cuddling afterward. Just because we were sleeping in the same bed didn’t mean I had to cozy up to him all night. I would enjoy the sex without all the other intimacy.

Scotty was in the shower when I got back to the yurt. I used the time to finish getting ready for dinner. For our last night here, my parents made reservations at a restaurant in a nearby town. We were meeting them in the hotel lobby shortly so that my father could drive us all there.

By the time Scotty stepped out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist, I was ready to go. There was no mirror in the yurt, but I knew that I looked pretty glam compared to the last few days of no makeup, crazy air-dried hair, and yoga pants.

Scotty took one look at me and a giant smile, complete with gorgeous dimples, broke out on his face. “Wow.” He let out a slow whistle. “You look hot.”

I was pleased with his reaction, but I tamped it down. I would not let myself get sucked in because there was no future for Scotty and me. He’d told me as much.

“Thank you. I was thinking about going to... hmm, what was it? Oh yeah, my Barbie club meeting after dinner.” My cutting wit and sharp tongue had kept men at bay for over a year now. It was time I got back to that.

He wasn’t deterred. His eyes sparkled as he approached me, and then he wrapped his arms around me in a hug. “Everyone knows how hot Barbie is, Sunshine. And she’s got nothing on you. Really, you look beautiful.”

I stood stiffly in his arms. Where were his insults? Why was he complimenting me and being so sweet? We didn’t have to fake anything when my parents weren’t around.

Feeling his muscular arms around me was dangerous. I stepped back out of his embrace. “You’re going to get me all wrinkled. You better get dressed. We have to leave soon.”

I spun around, but not before I saw something flash across his face. It looked like confusion mixed with a little bit of hurt. I didn’t want to be a bitch, but I had to protect myself. I wasn’t built like him where I could live in the now and not worry about the future.

Scotty’s motto was ‘Love the one you’re with’. That wasn’t me. He wouldn’t be the one suffering when the weekend was over and he walked away like it was nothing but an enjoyable romp in the sack.

“Did you and your mom have a good time at the spa?” He began pulling out clothes for dinner.

I didn’t want to watch him get dressed, but there really was absolutely nothing to do in the yurt. I walked the few steps to the hutch in the kitchen area and began opening its drawers, not even sure what I could be pretending to look for.

“Yes, we had a nice time catching up.”

“I’m glad. I had a great time with Jim.” He began an excited appraisal of his day. “The brewery tour was nothing special, but they had this awesome beer-flavored pretzel with dips. And the samples were all really good.”

“That’s nice.” I was only half listening.

He continued speaking as he got dressed. “Then we went to this Irish pub and watched the Kentucky game. Holy shite, Sunshine, your father is insane. He is such a crazy sports fan! Thank God Kentucky won or I don’t know what he would have done. He is definitely not a boring guy.”

I snuck a peek and breathed a sigh of relief to see that he had pants and a shirt on. Somehow, from that small rolling bag of his, he was able to produce another stylish outfit. For a guy who I had first thought was homeless, he sure had great taste in clothes when he dressed up. He was wearing gray dress pants and a light blue button-down shirt with a darker sport coat over it. Everything was proportioned perfectly to show off his fit physique.

Scotty looked up and caught me staring at him. Darn. I quickly looked away. “Are you almost ready to go? Gary should be here any minute.”

“Almost.” He looked at my feet. I was wearing a pair of my favorite black stilettos with fringe around the ankle straps. “Are you going to bring some shoes to change into for the walk home? We can leave stuff your stuff in the car this time.”

“Good idea.” I rounded up a bag and stuffed socks and sneakers into it.

Gary arrived shortly after that and brought us up to the lobby where my parents were already waiting. I didn’t have to do much talking because my parents were fawning all over Scotty like he was the best thing ever and Scotty was eating it up.

I was quiet in the car’s backseat next to Scotty while everyone chatted.

Scotty leaned next to me and slid his arm around my shoulder. He whispered in my ear, “Are you worried about your mum, lass?”

I nodded, and he kissed my temple, tightening his arm around me.

Of course, I was worried about my mother. And sad that this weekend was almost over. And, curse it all, I was worried that I was not going to react well to saying goodbye to Scotty and parting ways with him.

He was a good guy. I liked him. Why couldn’t a guy like that be interested in me for more than sex, anyway? What was wrong with me that I wasn’t a long-term prospect?

I felt a lump in my throat. Crap, I was already getting upset. The only thing I could do now was mitigate the damage. I’d broken my vow, acted foolishly, and had to pay the price. I needed to keep my distance, so it didn’t hurt as much.

I leaned away from Scotty and studied the landscape as it rushed by my window.

Dinner wasn’t enjoyable. The food was delicious, and everyone seemed happy, but I was miserable inside. The more I ignored Scotty, the more attentive he was to me. He seemed determined to draw me out, to talk to me, and to keep giving me little touches, all the while charming my parents. He was so affable that I had to work hard to make sure I wasn’t appearing churlish to my parents.