She held her nose, jumped in the water, and came up sputtering. “Shit! I hate cold water.”

She scrambled the ten feet or so to the far edge of the small pool and pulled herself out in record time. I was right behind her.

This time, she didn’t even wait for the light to turn on. She pushed through to the next station, which was called theBubbling Whirlpool. Basically, it was a hot tub with jets.

We relaxed in the hot tub until the light turned on and then reluctantly pulled ourselves out. The arrows led us to thePebbled Walkway Foot Massage, which was a shallow trench filled with water and lined with smooth pebbles that twisted and turned in a maze-like pattern. Warm jets were incorporated to massage the foot and ankles as you walked in the warm salt water.

At the end of the path, there was a sign that read:

This is the last stop on your hydrotherapy journey. Please make sure you have all your possessions with you. A technician will meet you as you exit the door. Come visit us again.

Two fresh robes hung on hooks by the door. I pulled them down, handed one to Summer, and then put the larger-sized one on.

Janelle was waiting for us on the other side of the door. “How was it? Did you enjoy the circuit?”

Summer laughed. “Let’s just say it left me hot and cold. Literally.”

Janelle turned to me. “And you? Did you like it?”

“Yes.” I winked at Summer and she blushed. “I especially enjoyed the crystal room.”

Janelle agreed, “Oh yes. That room is very soothing.”

She waved us over to a small sitting area. There were several tables set up, but Janelle led us to a little alcove that had a built-in leather bench seat in front of a window. A small teapot and two cups with saucers sat on the table in front of it.

“Relax and enjoy some tea. When you are finished, you can head back to the locker rooms to get changed. Head right through this doorway and down the hall and you’ll see them.”

Janelle departed and Summer poured some tea into our cups. The tea had a pungent aftertaste and tasted a bit like dirt, to be honest. I didn’t even finish a full cup.

Summer had no problem drinking it, though. She sipped her cup and said, “That was so unexpected. I do feel kind of invigorated after that.”

After she finished her tea, we made our way back to the locker rooms. I felt refreshed, recharged, and rejuvenated after my hour completing the strange therapy, but the best therapy of all was seeing Summer naked and making her come.

Chapter 16


“Iwanttofuckyou when we get back to the yurt.” Scotty leaned in close to my ear and growled the sexy words at me.

A sudden rush of intense heat coursed through my veins, making my body go rigid from the sheer force of it. It felt like a million sparks were igniting inside of me, moving and twisting through my veins, traveling to my fingertips and the tips of my toes. My heart raced, pounding in my chest like a drum as a deep blush rose into my cheeks. The effect those words set off inside me was akin to an atomic bomb going off. Judging by the cocky smile on Scotty’s face, he knew it, too.

My parents were sitting across the table, only a few feet away, but thankfully, they were totally oblivious. I squirmed in my seat, thinking about Scotty’s words. Did I want to have sex with him? Of course, I did. That wasn’t the right question, though. The question was if it was a good idea to have sex with Scotty. My head said no, but I was almost certain I was going to ignore it. That orgasm had been too good.

After lunch, we’d started the afternoon being painfully polite with each other, but before long, we relaxed into having a fun time together. We borrowed my parents’ rental car, shopped for a winter jacket for me, and then spent a couple of hours at an indoor ice rink we’d found online. Next door to the rink was an escape room. Since we still had a few hours to spare, we decided to try it. We had a blast working together to solve puzzles and figure out clues in order to escape from Alcatraz.

Now, dinner was winding down. Once again, Scotty had effortlessly charmed my parents. I was barely following the conversation; I was busy thinking about what would follow dinner.

Soon enough, though, we were saying our goodbyes and getting ready to head back to the yurt. As if sensing my thoughts, Scotty took my hand and gave me a devilish smile. He said nothing else, but the message was clear; he wanted me as much as I wanted him.

Our playful banter from the afternoon was gone on the walk back.

Scotty squeezed my hand. “Are you okay? You’re so quiet.”

The air was brisk, but there wasn’t any wind tonight and the winter jacket was doing its job and keeping me warm.

“You made me nervous,” I admitted.

He stopped in his tracks. “About tonight?” He ran a hand through his hair. “I thought you wanted it, too.”