She nodded and then looked around the room. She seemed indecisive, but then she climbed onto the bed and pulled the covers over her.

“You’re going to bed now?” I asked incredulously. “It’s not even 9:30.”

She rolled to her side so she could see me. “What else am I going to do?”

I could think of plenty of options, but she seemed determined not to go there with me.

Her eyes narrowed. “And don’t even say whatever you’re thinking that’s put that smile on your face. It’s not going to happen.”

Fuck, the lass was stubborn. “Fine. I guess I’ll take a shower then.”

After gathering what I needed, I went into the bathroom nook. I strategically left the privacy curtain half open. If she chose to, I knew she could easily look through and see me from where she was on the bed.

I’d give her a show. I stripped off my clothes slowly and then turned on the water. The thought of her eyes on me had my cock throbbing. The water was already warm, so I stepped right under the spray. I’d showered earlier, so now I just wanted the warm water to help relieve some tension. Wrapping my fingers around my cock, I gave myself a few strokes.

I’d love to have Summer watching me, but I couldn’t leave the shower curtain open without getting water all over the floor. My hand slowly slid up and down along the length of my cock, searching for relief. I’d never spent so much time around such a beautiful girl without getting any action; blue balls were a very real thing. Vaguely wondering if she could hear the faint slapping noises, I began working hard and fast, with my entire focus on finding release as soon as possible.

I was almost there when the hot water started running out. There was no stopping now, so I finished up under a stream of ice-cold water.

“Damn,” I cursed. That had been the most unsatisfactory climax from wanking I’d ever experienced. Quickly shutting off the water, I hopped out and searched for a towel. I found a clean one under the vanity and dried myself off. Then, I slipped on a new pair of briefs and ran my hands through my hair where only the ends had gotten wet.

The stove did a great job of keeping the yurt toasty warm and the bed was piled high with blankets. As I left the bathroom, I glanced over at Summer. Her eyes were closed tight. I didn’t think she was actually sleeping, but she certainly was pretending to be. I shut off a lamp near the ‘kitchen’ area and then climbed into bed.

“Goodnight, Sunshine.” I reached over and turned off the lamp on the small nightstand. The yurt was dark except for a faint glow from the stove.

Summer didn’t answer. Fine. She was going to play her games, but she wasn’t going to win. She somewhat correctly thought I was a male slut, and for some reason, I was determined to prove her wrong. I’d act like a boy scout tonight, but I was slowly running out of time to convince her how much she wanted me. Why did I even care what she thought of me? I was the one doing her the favor this weekend. Wasn’t I? She really confused the hell out of me.

Chapter 14


Iwassonota morning person. So after the first few groggy moments of pulling myself from a deep sleep wore off, I was surprised at how happy and relaxed I was sleeping in Scotty’s arms. I felt warm and secure, my body melting into his as if I belonged there. His warmth enveloped me and kept me cozy despite the frigid air I could feel on my face.

Oh shit!

Sometime in the night, I’d managed to seek him out, and I was so completely entwined in all his gorgeous male flesh that I couldn’t escape without waking him. I was trapped in bliss, but I didn’t want to get caught enjoying it.

I willed my breathing to remain even while I tried to figure out a way out of this. Should I take the slow, inch-by-inch method and risk him waking up while I was in flagrante delicto, or should I just yank out of his arms all at once and hope he was too sound asleep to register what was happening?

Or should I just lay in his arms and enjoy every second of his hard body pressed up to mine and imagine an entirely different ending to my morning? Because that’s what I wanted to do. He was damn near naked. With his ripped body and handsome face, he was as handsome as sin. He was also supremely confident, almost cocky, yet he was also kind and generous. He was going along with this ridiculous charade, for my mother’s sake, when he didn’t have to. The more I thought about it, the more I wondered why the hell I was resisting him so hard, anyway?

The first lie that I’d told myself and tried to cling to fiercely was that I didn’t want to be with a man. Any man. Well, I did. I wanted to have sex with Scotty something fierce. What would be the harm in indulging if I kept it to this weekend? After all, these were pretty unusual circumstances.

Was I going to go without sex forever? No. I’d just gotten a bit wary of men after picking up a lot of duds over the years. And I’d gotten way too invested in them way too fast. But, if I were honest with myself, holding out on sex hadn’t really worked either. I held my old boss off for almost a year and still, he turned out to be an unfaithful jerk.

Maybe I just hadn’t picked the right man. Scotty wasn’t offering me a lifetime of commitment. This was just fun. If I kept that in mind — took the fun without expecting anything else — maybe I’d be okay? Even though every single time I’d tried that in the past, I’d ended up getting burned.

I needed to escape his arms. They were making me crazy. Just because he was hot, didn’t mean I had to give into my base desire. I’d proved for the last year that I’d evolved beyond that; I’d grown up. I’d learned my lesson and knew to stay away from trouble. No matter how much I wanted to.

All my life, the good Summer always struggled with the bad Summer. Bad Summer was the one who’d never turn down a dare. She was the one who cheated on her 5thgrade math test. She’s the one who hopped on the back of Jake’s motorcycle despite having some niggling misgivings. Good Summer was the one that tried to talk me out of doing that. She was the one who usually lost that argument and ended up regretting the bad choices.

Bad Summer was not evil. She was just more daring and reckless. She took chances. The most fun stuff I’d done in my life was all at her behest. I even looked back and laughed at all the fun and mischief that she got me into. But she wasn’t the one who should be directing serious life choices.

I needed an intervention from Good Summer before I did something stupid. It was up to me to be the adult, responsible person in the room. Good Summer needed to decide if Scotty was a bad life choice or just a fun distraction that I could put aside when it was over.

“Morning, Sunshine,” Scotty mumbled into my ear as he grabbed me tighter.

I hadn’t moved a muscle since I’d woken up, but the instant I heard his words, I froze. Maybe I just stopped breathing.