I nodded, my gaze focused on the bed. I was struggling to keep my composure, to not give away the fact that I was incredibly attracted to him, despite my attempts to remain indifferent.

Scotty was surveying the room. “Gary is going to stay late tonight to drive us to the restaurant at 7 o’clock, but then he’s going home. We’ll have to walk back here. He said the restaurant is fancy, but you should skip wearing a dress and high heels and bundle up as warmly as you can.”

I frowned, trying to figure out if anything I’d packed would work for trekking half a mile through snow. “What was my mother thinking? At least she could have warned me to pack appropriately.”

“Maybe we can find a clothing store tomorrow? We can buy you a warm coat and boots.” His eyes pinged from me to my suitcase. “You must have something warm in that giant suitcase of yours? It’s February, for fuck’s sake.”

I bristled at his tone. “Huh, is it February? I must have forgotten. I only packed bikinis and lingerie. Do you think that would work for dinner?”

My sarcastic tone didn’t stop Scotty from reacting to my words. His lips curled into a mischievous smirk and his eyes smoldered. Intensity radiated from his piercing gaze.

His voice was low and raspy, like a growl, sending a shiver of pleasure through my body. “No, but that will work just fine for after dinner.”

My mouth went dry and my stomach fluttered at the intense heat in his eyes. I had to look away.

Needing some space, I retreated to my suitcase and began loading its contents into the drawers of the dresser, constantly aware of Scotty’s presence.

He began checking out the yurt. “It’s only three o’clock. What are we going to do until dinner?”

What, indeed? There was no television to watch. I could read, but a quick check of my phone made me realize that I didn’t have cell service. “Darn. I don’t even have cell service. Do you?”

“No.” He answered while he wandered around the yurt, peeking in all the nooks and crannies.

I finished unpacking and then sat on the bed. I didn’t feel like walking up to the main resort or calling Gary again when he was already staying late to drive us to our dinner later.

Scotty shuffled through some papers sitting by the landline phone. “We could order room service. I could use a snack.”

“Go ahead and order something. I think I’m just going to take a nap.” I pulled off my shoes and laid down on the bed on top of the covers, but pulled a blanket over me.

I listened to hear if he would order food, but he never did. A few minutes later, I felt the bed sink down as he lay down on the other side. Willing my eyes to stay closed, I succeeded for about ten minutes, but then I couldn’t take it any longer. I opened my eyes. He was watching me.

He spoke first. “I can’t sleep. I don’t usually take naps.”

“This is pretty boring, huh?” I pulled my hand out from under my cheek and turned toward him.

I blinked as I studied his face. He was devastatingly handsome up close. His light brown hair was on the longish side and cut in a purposefully messy style that begged for my fingers to be run through it.

I could get lost in his eyes, which were wide and expressive with a rich brown color, ingrained with flecks of gold, and framed with sinfully long eyelashes. He had a strong jawline, well-defined eyebrows, a straight nose, and full lips. The total effect had my insides burning with desire.

“Yep.” He smiled, setting those dimples loose on me. “What could we do to spice it up a bit?”

I narrowed my eyes at him. “We could talk.”

He shifted to get more comfortable. “So, your birthday is next month? How old are you?”

I studied him, suspicious and maybe a little disappointed that he’d given up so easily. “I’m 26. I’ll be 27 next month. How old are you?”

“Twenty-nine,” he murmured.

I traced circles on my pillow with a finger. “What would you be doing right now if you were back in L.A.?”

“Probably playing my guitar or hanging out at my friend’s place. Sometimes it gets boring when I’m not out on the road.”

“Touring with a band?” I asked.

A smile crossed his lips. “Yeah.”

I propped myself up on my elbow, looking into his eyes.“When will you be back on the road?”