Her shoulders relaxed. “I live in an apartment. Near the coffee shop.”

“Alone? Or with flatmates?” I figured it was safe to ask since she’d asked me.


She blushed, but I had no idea why.

“Do you have any siblings?”

She shook her head. “No. I’m an only child. Hence, my very over-protective parents.”

“Did you just say hence?”

Her eyes narrowed for a moment, but then she laughed. “What’s wrong with hence?”

“Nothing.” My lips twitched trying to suppress a smile. “Your mum said you had a bad track record with men? What’s that all about?”

“She was just exaggerating.” She swallowed nervously, looking down at her hands. “Are we done with the inquisition yet? I’ve told you everything important.”

“Just one more question.” I tried to think up something funny, similar to her bagpipes question, but instead, I asked her something I really wanted to know. “Why did you really leave Kentucky and move to L.A.?”

She gave me a canned response, sticking to her career opportunity answer. It was a polished answer as if she was on a job interview, but it was all bullshit. She couldn’t even meet my eyes when she responded. I guess that was fair. I hadn’t exactly been honest with her. The completely crazy part was that I even cared to know the answer, but I’d find out eventually. I was pretty persuasive when I wanted to be.

We were silent as the plane began its descent. I couldn’t wait to be in a hotel room alone with this lass. Normally, I’d be running fast and far away from a girl like her. She was a snobby sorority girl. Her job interview answer that listed off all the high society functions she was involved with should have turned me on as much as a bucket of ice-cold water dumped over my head. Instead, I was itching to tell her the truth about who I was. I wanted to impress her. I wanted to be worthy of her.

I would give up my secret just to have her, but I bit my tongue. Even more important than getting inside her pants, I wanted her to accept me without all the celebrity trappings. I wasn’t sure why that meant so much to me with this particular lass, but it did.

After we deplaned, I jokingly gave her some grief as we headed for baggage claim to get the huge suitcase that she’d packed for a weekend trip. According to Summer, winter clothes were bulky.

We found our shuttle and after stopping and dropping off passengers at two ski resorts on the way, we finally made it to the spa about three hours later. The sprawling resort was tucked a few miles off the highway, down a twisting lane that wound up a graduated incline through a dense forest of evergreen trees. The air was crisp and cold with the occasional biting gust of winter wind blowing and a few inches of snow covered the ground. Neither of us was dressed for cold weather, so we grabbed our bags and hurried into the warm lobby.

As we headed to the reception desk to check in, a surge of excitement stirred in my veins. I was looking forward to this weekend more than I knew possible. The anticipation had my cock twitching. Damn, I really did have a one-track mind.

Summer. Naked.

Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, O-something, Family, Genus, Species.

Chapter 10


Afterturningoffthehighway and following a twisty, bumpy back road for miles, the spa resort finally came into sight. It was tucked into a huge forest of evergreen trees in the middle of nowhere. The snow covering the ground seemed deeper here than it did even outside the Boise airport.

When the van stopped, the driver helped us collect our bags. With Scotty trailing silently behind, I quickly pulled my heavy suitcase through the automatic sliding doors of the main building eager to get out of the biting cold. The lobby was enormous.

I paused for a moment searching for the check-in desk. Clusters of furniture with groupings of sofas and chairs upholstered in earthy sage greens and beiges took up the center of the space. A contemporary steel fireplace crackled with flames across the room on my right.

Straight back, I spotted the giant reception desk with the live-wood edge and geometric metal design inlaid along the front surface of it. I headed toward it, walking past the gurgling full-wall water feature lit with changing colored lights from behind. Sprinkled throughout the lobby were oversized cement planters containing tall leafy plants mixed with green bamboo chutes.

The overall ambiance of the lobby was very relaxed; the decor was neutral and zen-like. The muted lighting and soft instrumental music tinkling in the background promoted an atmosphere of peace and harmony. I’m sure even the Feng Shui was on point, but my stomach was churning with nerves.

I was chewing on the inside of my cheek like it was my business. All because I was here with Scotty. I barely knew him and I was about to check into a hotel with him. I was pretty sure my mother would have only booked one room for us, considering she thought he was my boyfriend for the last half a year. And to make matters worse, that stupid daydream where I had no choice but to share a bed with Scotty was running through my head with all the subtlety of a flashing neon sign.

I approached the lone man standing behind the enormous desk and waited while he finished clicking away at what I assumed was a computer keyboard tucked beneath an overhang where it was completely out of view to customers. My fingernails tapped on the desk’s surface, not with impatience, but with nerves. Should I act surprised when we were given only one room? Insist on a separate room? Or play it cool?

The man finally looked up. “How can I help you?”

Instantly, I recognized that he was very good-looking. The name tag pinned to his white polo shirt read ‘Dewey’, and I wondered if that was his first name or last name. He was slightly younger than me, perhaps in his mid-20s. His dark hair was swept back in a trendy pompadour hairstyle and his strong jawline was covered with immaculately trimmed facial hair. He had piercing blue eyes, trendy glasses that made him look smart, and a tiny stud in each ear. Put together, the whole package presented an exceedingly handsome man. I smiled warmly at him, but his gaze flicked right past me and lasered in straight on Scotty. A sharp inhale of breath had his nostrils flaring slightly as he stared at my man.