She crossed her arms over her chest. “We are so not having sex. We will let my parents continue to think we are, but we will absolutely not do the deed. Get it out of your head. Don’t even think about it.”

I was internally rolling my eyes. “I didn’t come for sex, Sunshine.” I smiled lazily at her. “I came for pampering, seaweed wraps, and massages.”

The lady sitting in the window seat shifted in her seat and subtly leaned toward us, and I realized that she was listening to our conversation. Shite. I had to be careful. If she recognized me and was recording this little exchange, our entire conversation could end up as the top story on Hollywood Expose and go viral.

Part of the reason I was late for the flight was to lessen the chance of Summer finding out who I was. I didn’t want to be at an airport with Summer where someone was bound to recognize me. People were always on the lookout for celebrities at LAX.

As it was, I ended up taking some pictures for a few fans and signed some autographs, and that started to attract even more people, but Summer wasn’t around to witness any of it. I was sure the pictures were already posted to social media, but Summer wasn’t likely to see them without knowing my real name. I wasn’t too worried about being recognized once we got to Idaho. I was confident that it’d be much easier to remain incognito at a spa in Idaho than in Los Angeles. At least that’s what I’d told Vector Security when I convinced them not to follow me on this trip.

The other reason I was late was that I’d purchased a first-class ticket — the only seat still available — under my real name and I didn’t want Summer to know. I was worried they wouldn’t let me board the plane when the name on my ID didn’t match my boarding pass. In the end, they barely glanced at my ID.

I’d gone to a bit of trouble to mislead Summer about my real identity and I couldn’t deny that I felt a stab of guilt now. There was something about her thinking I was an ordinary bloke that made me feel good. I wanted her to want me, not a member of Ghost Parker. I didn’t want her to fuck me for some vanity points on her social media. I didn’t want to be her one shot to fuck a rockstar. Somehow, none of that shit had bothered me too much before. I’d had too many meaningless fucks on and off tour to keep count, but Summer felt different.

Still, I was lying to her. The guilt took me by surprise. I had rationalized going on this weekend trip as something that would be fun. It would give me something to do, and sure, I couldn’t deny that I’d spent the week fantasizing about this dream girl who managed to invade my every thought and thoroughly intrigue me. I told myself that she’d never have to know about Ghost Parker. And if she someday did find out who I was, I’d be long gone.

That kiss had me rethinking things. I’d never felt anything like it. Not with any of the girls on tour. Not even with Aila. There was something about that kiss and my response to it that shook me to my core. And it scared the shite out of me.

Summer was frowning at me with narrowed eyes. “Not only are we not having sex, but there will be no sex with anyone this weekend. Got it? No skanky flight attendants, no handsy masseuses. No happy endings. This will be a weekend of abstinence.”

I leaned closer to her and kept my voice low so only she could hear me. “And that goes for you too?”

She paused for a second then nodded.

I flashed her a sly grin. “Hmmm. We’ll see.”

The crazy lust this lass stirred in me might have turned my brain to mush and might have me confused about all sorts of strange feelings she’d awakened in me, but there was one thing I was sure of and that was my ability to seduce her. She’d be begging me for sex by the end of the weekend.

She ignored my comment and tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. “So, now that that’s settled, we need to get to know a little more about each other. Just so my parents don’t get suspicious.”

I held my hands out palms up like I was an open book. “What do you want to know? Ask away.”

She thought for a moment. “How long have you been in the States?”

I did a quick calculation in my head. “About 6 years.”

“Why did you come here?”

“I wanted to get out of Scotland. Explore the world a bit.” It was mostly true.

She tapped a finger on the armrest between us. “Do you have family here? In America?”

“No. They’re all in Scotland.”

“Where do you live currently?”

I shifted in my seat. “I have an apartment in L.A.”

“Do you live alone?”


“Your parents are in Scotland?” Her questions were coming in rapid fire.


“Any siblings?”

I nodded. “Two younger brothers.”