She bent slightly to take the handle of his bag, giving him a nice view of her cleavage. “My name’s Cynthia. Just give me a shout if you need anything. Anything at all.”

I bet Scotty never worried about overhead bin space like the rest of us, with all the Cynthias running around feeling him up and purring in his ear. It felt like forever, but finally, she was walking away, rolling his bag, and he was sitting down next to me.

His amused smile made my heart stutter in my chest. “Hi, Sunshine.”

My heart was still beating irregularly. I’d thought he wasn’t going to show up and then he’d just sauntered in at the very last minute like it was no big deal.

“You’re late.” It was the only thing I could think of to say; I was still so flustered by his sudden appearance.

“I made it.” He shrugged, a smile tugging on his lips. “It was close. They held the cabin door for me.”

The lady next to me, who couldn’t spare me a glance when I arrived, was making eyes at Scotty. Jeez, did every female swoon over this man? He was entirely attractive enough to dampen panties by looks alone, but it had to be that sinful accent in his deep, velvety voice that pushed women over the edge. I vowed not to be so obvious like the lady sitting next to me. Or the fawning Cynthia. He seemed to have a big enough ego as it was.

“Of course, Cynthia held the door for you.” Her name came out in a jealous sneer. Oops. “She was busy spraying her sex pheromones all over you like a skunk.”

Laughter danced in his eyes. “Why Summer, are you jealous that she slipped me her number?”

My mouth dropped open in surprise. “She did not!”

“Well, she put something in here.” He reached into his back pocket and pulled out a small piece of paper. He glanced at it and smiled before handing it to me.

Handwritten on the paper was a phone number, followed by ‘Call me tonight’ and her name, Cyndie, the letter ‘i’ dotted with a heart.

“That skank!”

Cynthia was slowly heading down the aisle towards them, performing the final check of the cabin. Between asking passengers to stow their carry-ons, close their tray tables, and buckle up, she kept glancing directly at Scotty with a sultry stare. She’d even wetted her red lips with the tip of her tongue a few times. She looked like a starving barracuda heading our way.

I wanted to gouge her eyes out. How dare she? I was sitting right here. He was my boyfriend. My hackles were not only raised, they were rocketing out of the earth’s orbit. My blood was boiling.

I couldn’t control my overpowering emotions. I placed my hand on Scotty’s cheek, intent on making him look away from her. That was my intent, but somehow I’d twisted my body towards his and pulled his face to mine so that I could kiss him. And it wasn’t an innocent peck on the lips.

My goodness, I was making out with him with lots of tongue and breathy moans. All that intense emotion I’d felt had suddenly channeled into pure unbridled lust.

I forgot about everything. There was no Cynthia. No airplane full of passengers. Not even my overwhelming urge to stake my claim, because his kiss was sending fire scorching through my veins.

He had quickly taken control of my overly eager kiss; his lips were masterful in teasing a response, but his tongue sliding against mine would be my undoing. A jolt of pure need sizzled down my spine. Desire rocked through me, throbbing hot and wicked between my thighs. Each thrust of his tongue pushed that desire higher until I was moaning for relief.

Just when I thought I might explode from sheer pleasure, he slowed our kiss to a sensual dance, a deep and toe-curlingly thorough exploration of sliding tongues that was even more intimate than before.

Ecstasy pulsed through every nerve ending in my body. The hot throbbing between my legs morphed into a clawing ache of pure need. The kiss had stoked an unquenchable thirst in me. I needed all of him. Touching me. Kissing me. Filling me.

He pulled his lips off me with a stifled groan. I only realized his hand had been anchoring my head to his lips when he disentangled it from my hair and pulled back. I was still dazed, even as the plane came slowly back into focus. His drugging kiss had made me forget everything.

Hadn’t I been the one to initiate the kiss? Yes. Because of Cynthia. I quickly looked around for her. She was nowhere in sight. Ha! I sat back in my seat again. She may have thrown down the gauntlet, but I had won the battle. The momentary cocky feeling quickly washed away.

I had gotten completely carried away with that kiss. I’d only meant to stake my claim — a claim I didn’t really have — and put Cynthia in her place. That’s what I’d meant, but who knew what Scotty thought of the whole thing? My face burned red. I was so embarrassed by what I’d done.

Before Scotty could say anything, I quickly put in my earbuds and pretended to listen to the music. We didn’t talk as the plane took off. I was lost in thought.

That kiss was too good. There was no denying that I wanted Scotty, and that was dangerous. I’d completely lost myself in that crazy kiss. It was earth-shattering. Soul changing. The best kiss I’d ever had. I couldn’t even imagine how good sex with him would be.

The little devil on my shoulder was whispering into my ear. Why not? Why not have sex with him? Use him to satisfy that itch. You don’t have to fall for him.

It was a terrible idea. A big mistake. One that I’d made many times before. I wasn’t looking for mindless sex or frenzied, meaningless lust. I was looking for a partner. Someone that loved me and wanted to be with me long term.

And Scotty didn’t fit that bill. He was probably the king of one-night stands. He followed bands around for a living, and I wasn’t naïve about that lifestyle. I’m sure he slept with a different girl in each new city as he traveled with the musicians. He was hot, so he probably had twenty girls a night lining up to give him blowjobs or more, all for the favor of meeting the band members. He was the polar opposite of what I was looking for.

I was a confident woman. I was secure in my looks. I was confident that men wanted me. Sexually, at least. It was after that when it all fell apart. I didn’t have what it took to keep a man. Whatever the hell that evasive ‘thing’ was. I’d learned that lesson over and over until my self-worth was bound to take a hit. My confidence and pride had ended up in the gutter, but over the past year, I’d been slowly building them back up by avoiding the mistakes of my past. Avoiding men. Especially men like Scotty.