Page 51 of There I Find Peace

He pushed to his feet, then held his hand out for her. He almost thought she wasn’t going to take it, as she looked at it for what felt like a very long moment before she put her hand in his and pulled herself up.

“Thanks. Thanks for the talking, the conversation, and the laughter, and for not thinking I’m completely crazy.”

“I think we all have a little bit of crazy in us.”

“Some of us have a little more than others,” she said, and he had to admit she was probably right about that.

Chapter 17

“When I was at the dinerearlier today, Griff gave me this to take to Kim and Davis.” Lana pointed to two big pieces of cheesecake on a plate wrapped in plastic wrap. “He said they hadn’t been to the diner to try it, and he was hoping that we could send it on down. Knowing Griff, it was just something he wanted to do since they got home from the hospital and to celebrate their marriage.”

“Will he come to their celebration on Saturday?” Jubilee asked as she looked at the wrapped pieces of strawberry cheesecake. They were so delicious. They made her want to go back to the diner.

“I don’t know. He might. When he goes to church, he kinda hangs out in the back, not that he is antisocial, he just...doesn’t seem to feel comfortable in a crowd.”

“I can understand that.”

“Would you mind taking it down?” Lana said, like Jubilee would turn down any request she made of her. Jubilee couldn’t imagine Lana asking her to do anything that she would refuse. After Lana had taken her under her wing, Jubilee felt like she owed her so much more than she could ever repay.

Today, Friday, she’d gotten her first paycheck. It had been far more than what she was expecting and more than she felt she deserved, especially since she was taking up two whole rooms in the bed-and-breakfast. She had thanked Lana profusely and assured her that she was looking for a place to stay, but Lana had brushed that off and told her that she and her girls were welcome to stay as long as she wanted.

Jubilee wasn’t quite sure how Lana was going to make a profit with her taking up so much space, but she didn’t say anything, just did her best to take as much of the load off Lana as she could.

“I don’t mind at all.”

“All right. I promised the girls that we’d sit out on the deck and I’d do something fun with them.”

“I’m sure they’re looking forward to that.”

Jubilee had barely said that when Nora burst in the front door. “Dad is here, and he wants to know if you’ll go for a horse ride with him?”

Jubilee glanced up. “Your dad is here?”

Nora nodded. “He’s riding a horse and leading Bucket. He wants you to go with him. He sent me in to ask.”

Jubilee had to take a moment to gather her wits about her. Although, a part of her brain registered the fact that Nora’s relationship with her dad seemed to be restored. Teens could be so up and down. But she was grateful for that much at least. After all, she knew how much it meant to Matt.