Page 58 of There I Find Peace

Chapter 19

“Thank you so much forhelping me,” Kristin said to Jubilee. Jubilee nodded her head.

“Of course. It’s so nice of you to bring your grandmother, the least I can do is carry some food for you.”

“You make it sound like I’m a tottering old woman,” Heather, Kristin’s grandmother, said.

“Gram, you are a tottering old woman.” Kristin laughed.

“You don’t have to make it sound that way. Are there going to be eligible men at this party? I might snatch myself up a fourth husband.”

“Gram!” Kristin rolled her eyes. “Please ignore her.”

“Don’t ignore me. Maybe I won’t be looking for an eligible man for myself, but I’ll be looking for an eligible man for my granddaughter, who would make some man a wonderful wife.” Heather laughed and looked over at Joyce, her friend who had moved to Strawberry Sands with her, as she rolled her wheelchair down the sidewalk.

Alma, their other friend who had moved with them as well, had gone on ahead with Lana and Jubilee’s girls.

Jubilee had to admit she had been looking forward to Davis and Kim’s party celebrating their wedding and their daughter coming home from the NICU, not just because she wanted to meet everyone in Strawberry Sands. But because... Matt would be there.

She’d had such a great time with him the night before when they’d ridden on the beach, watched the sunset, and then gone for cheesecake.

Her figure couldn’t handle a lot of nights like that, but her heart sure could.

Or maybe it was her heart that couldn’t handle it. She wasn’t sure.

“Wow. They strung up lights, and is that Griff at the grill?” Kristin asked, looking over at the big man, looking adorable in a chef’s apron, with a ball cap on his head backward.

He was flipping burgers on the grill and looked like he had hot dogs and maybe some steaks on as well.

“Sure looks like it. I didn’t think he was coming,” Jubilee said, surprised to see him. But not surprised to see him at the grill.

“I bet it made him feel more comfortable to be standing at the grill. I bet Davis asked him to cook on purpose.”

“You’re probably right. They probably figured he’d come if he had a job. That usually makes someone who’s socially awkward feel a little bit more at home. Gives them something to do,” Jubilee agreed.

“He’s eligible. I don’t see any wedding ring on that hand,” Heather said, squinting obviously.

“Gram. Stop it,” Kristin said, and there was just a hint of humor in her voice, but mostly it was very firm. There was no doubt that she definitely needed her gram to lay off.

“What? He looks like a good guy. Any man that cooks is a good man,” Heather said, sounding like she was spouting off age-old wisdom.

“That is not necessarily true,” Kristin disagreed. She lowered her voice. “Griff is in love with Charlotte, Chi, the lady who owns the diner.”

“Oh. So you’re telling me he’s off-limits?” Heather said, lifting her glasses to her eyes and taking a better look. “All right. I’ll mark him off my list. I’ll find someone else for you though. Don’t worry, Kristin. Gram’s on it.”

“Gram. I’m perfectly happy without a man.”

“You know, it’s possible to be happy by yourself,” Jubilee said, trying to support her friend.

“It’s not. Trust me, I’m the expert with three marriages under my belt. I’ve been alone, and even a bad husband is better than no husband at all.”