I rested my head on the back of the couch and glanced away from my computer to give my eyes a break. Dr. Knight assigned another article essay, and her requirements were killing me.
“Take a break,” Jaxon murmured next to me.
His voice vibrated against my body, and I got goosebumps. He was leaning up against my side, and his legs were extended onto the coffee table. I kept waiting for him to say he was too hot since he still had his beanie and hoodie on, but I had a feeling he was too comfortable to care.
“I have to get this done,” I said sleepily and flicked the pom-pom of his hat.
“You don’t have that class until Tuesday,” he urged. He glanced up at me, and my eyes met his. I tried to stop myself from smiling but it was involuntary at this point. My body had no control when I was with him, and I desperately needed it to chill the fuck out.
I immediately switched gears when there was a knock at the door. Katie and I exchanged a glance as soon as another round of knocks followed.
Katie’s eyes narrowed. “Did he fly here?”
I stuck out my bottom lip and placed my laptop on the end table. Jaxon shifted so I could get up, and everyone watched me walk over to the door.
I peered in the peephole, and Chase’s wide smile greeted me when I opened the door. “What’s up, sis?”
I laughed and ushered him inside. “What’s up, Sheesh?”
February 2016
There had beena few times back home when I ran into a brother of a girl I hooked up with. It always happened in a club, and the conversations always ended with them calling me an asshole or them trying to hit me. I considered both endings to be fair because I was indeed an asshole to their sister.
Katie immediately got up to greet Chase, and his smile widened. He hugged her the same way he hugged Maci.
“Chase, this is Connor, Katie’s boyfriend.” Maci gestured toward the recliner.
“What’s up, man?” Chase took a few steps toward him so they could shake hands. “You being good to my girl?”
“Always.” Connor nodded, and Katie giggled.
Maci motioned to me from behind Chase, and I sat up so I could extend my hand to her brother.
“My name’s Jaxon, man,” I offered. “Nice to meet you.”
Without hesitating, Chase shook my hand and smirked. “Nice to meet you.”
I’d have to ask Maci what that was about later. I knew I only cared because he was Maci’s brother, but the thought of Chase not liking me bugged me.
“I’ll check on the food,” Katie said, disappearing into the kitchen.
“Do you have anything to drink?” Chase slipped off his jacket. He hung it on one of the hooks near the door and followed Maci to the fridge.
As soon as I saw his Pittsburgh Penguins shirt, I thought of Bryson, and that morning I ran into Maci in his Tampa Bay Lightning shirt. I tried to ignore that replay and focused on the show in front of me.
Serena and Blair were complaining about an outfit and a guy with a bow tie offered to help. The shows in this apartment killed me.
“Oh,thatkind of drink.” I heard Maci say from the kitchen.
“Beer?” Connor spun around so quickly in the recliner that he almost slipped off the side.
I chuckled and peered in the direction of the kitchen. The cranberry juice and vodka were already on the table.
“Eat some of this first.” Katie shoved a plate into Chase’s chest. She glared at Connor and insisted that he do the same.