I tried not to look completely shocked at the fact that she didn’t have a concrete answer for her boyfriend’s whereabouts.
“God.” She dropped her fork into her bowl. “Are we really that pathetic where it’s weird if I don’t know where my boyfriend is?”
I giggled and didn’t judge her fresh relationship. “It’s still the honeymoon phase. You guys just hit a month! You’re supposed to still be obsessed with each other.”
She shook her head and came to sit in the recliner in the living room. It was nice having just Katie and me in our space again.
“Get back to your fun topic.” She shoved a forkful of salad into her mouth. “I know you want to.”
I wasted no time and decided to deliver the request. “Sam wants us to go out tonight. He asked me to see you if you think you’re ready for a low-key evening.”
“Does Samdolow-key?”
I shrugged. “He laid out a pretty chill route for us to take.”
Katie pondered and chewed more of her salad. I checked my text thread with Jaxon for the twentieth time today, so she didn’t feel rushed in her thought process. I pursed my lips and dropped my phone on my lap.
“What’s that you're doing?” she demanded with a sly smile.
“You’re pouting.”
I shook my head. “Don’t change the subject. What do you think about tonight? No pressure. We can have a movie marathon if you don’t have plans with Connor. If you do have plans, I will entertain Sam.”
“We may be running out of movie options here, Mace.” Katie sulked and stared down at her hands. There had been non-stop movie marathons since that night at The Attic. “It would be nice to go out.”
I raised my eyebrows. “Really?”
‘Yeah,” she answered like she was trying to convince herself. “I know Connor has been wanting to go out with the guys. Maybe I can suggest that to him, and then we can go out with our group. Get some space?”
“Are you sure?” I wanted to double-check before I got all excited and jumped into our usual going-out routine.
We would need to get drink supplies and plan outfits. My stomach had butterflies just thinking about it. I really liked Connor, and I loved him for Katie, but going out with just Katie felt like old times.
“I’m sure,” Katie confirmed. “I think it will be good for me. It will be good for us.” She gestured toward my phone to let me know more questions were in my future.
“I’ll let Sam know,” I added quickly so she couldn’t change the subject.
“We can go to the store to get stuff after I finish this.” She held up her bowl and pulled out her phone. She glanced up from her screen, and I froze. “And we can also catch up on whatever scene you keep replaying in your head. I know something’s up.”
“There’s always something up, Katie,” I mumbled.
Katie sighed and went into the kitchen. “Jaxon or Bryson?”
I smirked at her, and she widened her eyes.
“What?” she exclaimed. “Am I wrong?”
“No.” I chuckled sadly.
She eyed me while she walked into her bedroom to grab her purse. Her eyes were still on mine when she returned.
“Jaxon,” I said.
“Shocker,” she mouthed.
* * *