“Text me what you want from the store,” Katie offered. “Connor and I are going to run to Target for some snacks.”
“The one in Perrysburg?” My eyebrows knit together. There were several stores within a one-mile radius that they could go to. Perrysburg was at least twenty minutes away.
“I just want to browse.” She shrugged her shoulders and rose from the table.
Sometimes a woman just needed to browse the nearest Target. No further explanation was necessary.
About an hour later, I was curled up on the couch in an empty apartment. My hair was thrown into a messy bun, and I scrolled aimlessly through Pinterest on my phone. I didn’t want any glimpses of the outside world today. I just wanted to curl up and become a part of the couch.
I wanted to text Jaxon, but based on his plea for space last night, I decided against it. If he needed space to figure out whatever he needed to figure out, so be it. I wouldn’t stand in his way.
My phone buzzed in my hand as soon as I added a Chicken Gnocchi soup recipe to the Pinterest board Katie and I shared. I stared blankly at the screen and rose up off the couch when I saw Bryson’s name. This had to be some sort of mistake. This guy had no reason to talk to me, let alone call me.
I hesitated at first and finally answered the call. “Hello?”
“Hey,” Bryson said.
I waited for him to say more, but nothing came. “Do you need something?” I said slowly and kept my voice level. I didn’t feel like being pissed today.
“Yeah, I need you to accept my apology.”
I sat up straight. “Excuse me?”
“I’m sorry you got so upset last night.”
“You realize how backward that sounds, right? You can’t apologize for how I reacted to something you did. You’re basically just saying that you’re sorry without actually saying you’re sorry,” I explained.
“But I am saying sorry.” I heard him smile on the other end of the line.
“That doesn’t count!” I exclaimed.
“Give me a break. I was drunk, and some shit happened that upset you. I’m sorry you reacted the way that you did, but I didn’t do anything wrong.”
I shook my head. “You really are an asshole.”
“I’m just being honest.”
“That’s a first,” I snapped and sank back into the couch.
“Whoo,” he howled and laughed into the phone. I pictured his facial expression, and I giggled. “You’re wild.”
“And you’re something else. I have scrolling to get back to.” I sighed. “I’ll talk to you later.”
“So we’re good then?” he asked.
I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I had absolutely no reason at all to give him another chance, regardless of whether we were a thing or not. Bryson didn’t give a shit about me or what we were, or how we ended up. He cared that I still picked up the phone.
The thought of not speaking to Jaxon left me feeling empty inside. Maybe that was the reason this whole conversation with Bryson seemed so nonchalant. I was suddenly very unbothered by what I witnessed at the bar.
The only person that truly mattered said he needed space from me. Suddenly having some convenience back in my life seemed like a decent choice.
“We’ll see,” I answered, and I heard his hearty laugh right before I hung up.
February 2016