Page 52 of The Hookup Type

“No, I’m seeing him later. Everything okay?”

I tucked my free arm against my chest to try and shield myself from the incoming whirlwind of snow. “Bryson texted me. He asked what I was doing later.”

“Seriously?” Katie gasped, sounding much more energetic than when she first answered. “I am not even sure what to say to that.”

“Me either! That’s why I am calling you!” I laughed at how ridiculous I felt. “Did I really save this with a bag of Skittles?”

Katie cackled, which made me laugh harder.

“You should ask him to do something outside of the bedroom,” Katie suggested. I sensed her hesitation but appreciated the direct response.

“But that’s the best place for him,” I whined.

The idea of being with Bryson outside of my apartment was just odd. Where would we go? What would we do? It was as if that option was far beyond something I could comprehend. I wasn’t even sure if he would agree to do something other than get each other off.

“I think you have a more important question to ask yourself. But since you aren’t going to ask it, I’ll ask it for you”—Katie prepared her question—“you’re seeing Jaxon on Thursday, and hopefully, you guys can click back to whatever you were before.”

“That isn’t a question, Katie,” I challenged.

“Is Bryson what you want?” Katie demanded.

Another whip of icy wind hit me from all directions. I threw my bag in the passenger seat and shut the door, cranking my heat on high and putting Katie on speaker since I was in a private space.

“Maci?” Katie asked.

“I’m here.” I slumped in my seat. My silence was throwing us both off.

Of course, I didn’twantto want Bryson. Was it concerning that I kind of had feelings for my hookup that would never be more? I was ninety percent sure at this point that it was.

If it were up to me, I would choose Jaxon. I would choose Jaxon every time. But unfortunately, it didn’t matter what I wanted when it came to deciding between the two of them. Jaxon made it clear that he wouldn’t choose me. I had spoken to a handful of women over break who could testify to that conclusion.

“It doesn’t really matter what I want, Katie. Jaxon just wants to be friends. Bryson is a hookup, and my actual love life is just riding the bench and waiting for her turn,” I added dramatically.

“You know my hopeless romantic self is a sucker for a cheesy personification of love.” She sighed, and I felt her eyes roll through the phone. “And we both know that so far in this Fun Dip experiment, you are so not the hookup type.”

“The experiment isn’t over yet, Katie. Give me some credit!”

“I’ll give you credit when you emotionally detach yourself from Bryson,” Katie snapped.

“Fine.” I put the Elantra in reverse. “I’ll see you in a few. I’m leaving campus now.”

I hung up with Katie and responded to Bryson while I waited for a train to pass.

I’m pretty busy this week.

Let’s go out Friday.

I threw my phone on the passenger seat and gripped the steering wheel. Maybe Katie was right. I wasn’t the hookup type, plain and simple. But if I accepted that about myself, was I wrong for just wanting to have great sex?

The train passed, and I followed the line of cars over the tracks. My apartment building was only a few houses down from the crossing. I turned into the parking lot, and out of the corner of my eye, I saw my screen light up. I put the car in park and reached for my phone.


Just the two of us?

A bunch of us are going out since it's the first weekend back. Tag along?

The conversation bubbles appeared and then disappeared on my screen. While I waited for his response to my second attempt at my question, I cycled through my usual list of party people. I would be able to assemble a crew for this weekend with no problems. Pregaming at our apartment and meeting out at the bars. It would be no different than the time I invited Jaxon to go out with Katie and me.