Page 49 of The Hookup Type

During the multiple trips it took going up and down the stairs from my car to the apartment to unload groceries, Katie filled me in on everything Connor. By the time we had the fridge stocked and our cabinets looking like people actually lived here, my cheeks hurt from smiling.

“He texted me every day over break. Eventually, he asked if he could come and visit me before we headed back to school. So he drove out to see me, and I showed him Chicago. It was the best time I have ever had with a guy,” she gushed, and I could tell she was trying to hold back her excitement at the risk of sounding too cheesy.

So I boiled over for her.

“Katie!” I squealed and jumped onto the couch. “So when did things become official? Who asked who?”

She took a deep breath and smiled. “He asked me a few minutes before we took that picture under the Kidney Bean. He was so sweet. He said he understood that we only met a few weeks ago, but he didn’t want to go back to school with me thinking that he was interested in anyone else.” She shrugged. “I didn’t even hesitate, Mace, and you know me when it comes to making a decision like that.”

Katie only dove into something serious after weighing the pros and cons. I was shocked that she didn’t make Connor draw up a chart right there in the heart of Chicago.

“I also slept with him,” Katie added quickly. She turned and was suddenly invested in the drink choices from the fridge door.

“Uhmmm.” I widened my eyes and threw one of the couch pillows at her head. She doubled over in laughter and threw it back.

“Bitch!” I exclaimed. “Tell me everything!”

“Let’s just say that Connor is easily the sweetest guy I have ever met. But that sweetness no longer exists once he’s in the bedroom. I haveneverhad a guy talk to me the way he did. If I think about it, I will get goosebumps all over again.”

I applauded above my head. It was a perfect answer. I stared at Katie and sighed, unable to hide my toothy grin and the happiness that swelled in my chest at my best friend finding someone that made her happy.

“I was going to head over to Connor’s for the night.” Katie sighed. “Want me to extend your Skittles peace offering?”

“That would be perfect, actually.” I tossed her the bag of candy and leaned back into the couch cushions. “It will save me from having that awkward moment.”

“And then whatever happens next is up to him.” She threw her crossbody bag over her shoulder and stood at the front door. “Anything you want me to mention to anyone else who may be there?” Her question was laced with hopeful anticipation.

“One issue at a time, Katie.” I managed a small smile, and she shook her head. I heard her internal argument from across the room.

The brutally honest Katie told me to shut the fuck up and just call Jaxon. She emphasized that he and I werejust friendsand that he had more to his life outside of Bowling Green, Ohio. She said that even though it sucked to know he was sleeping with other people, I was the one hooking up with one of his best friends.

I argued that I was just doing what he said he wanted. But at the same time, by doing what he wanted, I felt like he was punishing me for it. I added that it also really hurt my feelings when he lied to Bryson about knowing me.

When our silent conversation ended, Katie nodded and slipped into the hallway.

And just like that, I thought about everything that brought me to this point. Just one semester was all it took for me to be completely turned upside down by two guys I didn’t even know a few months ago. I was a little nervous about what the second semester would bring.



January 2016

When the nextmorning rolled around, I woke up ready to start the new semester. Because of my schedule, I had time on Mondays in the morning to get a workout in before class. Once I hit the gym, showered, and made it to campus, I stopped by Dunkin Donuts and made my way to East Hall.

Walking outside officially sucked now. Before break, walking around on campus had just been cold. January brought a whole different kind of winter weather to Ohio, and since Bowling Green was in the middle of nowhere and surrounded by absolutely nothing, the wind chill was unreal.

I gripped my hot coffee and shoved my free hand into the pocket of my jacket. It felt a little weird getting anything other than the iced hazelnut coffee I usually got with Maci, but my hands couldn’t handle the cold.

East Hall was one of the older buildings on campus. It offered dusty-smelling heat and old brick walls. It was the type of building that gave you allergies even if you didn’t have any.

Introduction to Economics was the last class I needed to complete my business minor. Growing up with two parents who were heavily involved with their own businesses and brands, I knew this class would be a massive waste of time for me. I glanced over the syllabus and sunk further into my seat at the back of the room. It was bullshit that you couldn’t test out of classes.

The professor was a man who looked to be in his fifties. He wore big glasses, a clean-cut sweater, and some dark jeans. When he spoke to the room, he focused on the giant textbook in front of him. I rolled my eyes and took a long sip of my coffee. Nothing was worse than a morning class with a teacher who was equally as dull as the subject.

About ten minutes into the lecture, I caved and pulled out my phone. When the professor turned to the whiteboard to write notes, I went into my inbox in search of some entertainment.
