Page 26 of The Hookup Type

Even though she was only in a black tank top and joggers, she looked sexy as hell. The way her blue eyes glanced up at me let me know that the Mike’s Hard in her hand wasn’t her first drink. She offered a shy smile, and my body relaxed instantly. It had been five days since I'd seen her in person, and I couldn’t help but smile back.

As badly as I wanted to pull her against my chest, I decided against it. The whole backstory I created about how we met last year would be harder to play out than I thought.

“Hi there,” she chirped and hesitated to move toward me.

I grinned. “Hi there.”

She looked me up and down one more time before she shifted to the side of the doorway and allowed me to pass her.

Bryson leaned over the back of the couch to smack my hand. “What’s up my man?”

I laughed and sat the beer I brought on the counter. I heard Maci follow me into the kitchen and I drained the rest of my flask. I had a feeling I was going to need it.

“So.” She tossed her empty bottle into the trash. She leaned over the counter, and I knew by her expression that she had been itching to say what she had prepared for me. “We met last year, huh?”

I cocked my head to the side and waited for her to continue.

“Is there anything else about our fake history that I need to know about?” she asked softly, so it was only her and I that heard the conversation. Bryson and Katie were completely invested in the track they were playing on Mario Kart.

“We met last year. And that is pretty much it.” I grabbed a beer out of the fridge and cracked it open.

“Are we friends, at least?” She caught the fridge door before it closed and reached in to pull out a jug of cranberry juice, followed by a bottle of vodka from the freezer. She glided past me and I was immediately drawn to the smell of her perfume, taking me back to last weekend in her bedroom. I watched her make a cranberry vodka and take a big sip of her drink.

“Yes, Mace, we are friends,” I answered carefully, a little nervous that she might be taking this the wrong way. “I just didn’t mention anything about last weekend. Or really anything that has happened since we met.”

“So pretty much don’t mention anything that’sactuallyhappened since we met?” she snapped.

“What are you guys doing?” Bryson shouted from the couch over the music. “We are starting another race. Get your drinks!”

Katie slid in next to me and looked from me to Maci. “Everything good?” she asked, feeling out the awkward space between us.

“Great.” Maci shrugged and downed the rest of her drink. She stopped by the fridge again on her way back to the couch to get another Mike’s.

I watched her lean into Bryson and say something that prompted him to smile. He took another sip of his beer and glanced over in her direction. I’d seen that look come over his face too many times to count. He was riding a good buzz and had every intention of being with Maci at the end of the night.

“Iseverything good?” Katie mumbled under her breath and looked up at me as she leaned into the fridge. “I didn’t realize we were shifting into a vodka evening. I might invite Tyler over after all.”

“I’m fine. Tyler again, huh? I might have to have a talk with this guy, you know, make sure he’s treating you well?” I plastered on a smile and ignored the punch in my gut when I saw Bryson kiss Maci out of the corner of my eye.

Katie rolled her eyes and smiled. “I’m sure you would bereallyinsightful. But I appreciate the concern.” She joked at first, but the last part sounded genuine.

With all the time I spent at her place, I knew a lot about what went on in Katie’s life. She was hard not to like and easy to get along with. Maci was lucky to have a friend like her.

“Anytime,” I said, meaning it wholeheartedly. “Don’t be targeting me during this race, okay? Truce?”

Katie laughed, and although I could tell my answer didn't entirely convince her, she gave me a high five and followed me into the living room so we could start the next race.

* * *

I didn’t realizehow much time had gone by until I was staring at an empty case of beer.

I focused on my phone screen long enough so I could make out the time. It was one thirty in the morning.

“Fuck,” I said and stood up, using the couch to get on my feet.

“You good over there?” Maci smiled up from her seat on the couch next to Bryson.

I replied with a nod. My phone buzzed in my pocket, and I looked down to read the message. It was Heather.