Page 21 of The Hookup Type

“You don’t have to be such an ass.” She rolled her eyes. “I’m trying to get out of here.”

The girl on the couch behind us stirred. She blinked a few times and took in her surroundings.

A door opened down the hall, and slowly our apartment returned to life. It could look rough the morning after a night out.

Connor came strolling into the kitchen. He was dressed for the gym and holding an orange Powerade. He looked like he hadn’t had a drop to drink last night. He shot me an amused grin when he saw me. “Rough night? I know Kennedy was out till three, and Jared never came home.”

I laughed. “Bryson didn’t get in until three?”

Connor took a sip of his drink, and his eyes narrowed. “Paige?”

The girl on the couch slowly stood up and giggled. “I guess I didn’t make it to the bed last night, huh?”

“I’ll drop you off on my way to the gym.” Connor walked over to her and helped her with her stuff. Connor was always ridiculously nice to the girls he brought back. Even though he hadn’t slept with Paige, he still offered her a ride home.

“Can you take Heather home too?” I practically begged Connor.

“My keys arehere,” Heather snapped.

“Don’t care!” My voice grew louder, and I gestured toward the door. “Get the fuck out.”

Another door shut down the hall. Bryson emerged from his room, looking showered and ready to head out. He laughed when he realized the scene that was unfolding in front of him.

“I’ll be back for my keys,” Heather said, looking from me to Bryson. “I’m not dealing with you two idiots.”

“You could just not come back.” I shrugged.“Ever.”

Connor motioned for Paige to start heading downstairs, nervous for what was about to happen next.

Bryson smirked and opened the fridge, pulling out two water bottles and setting them on the counter. He was nosey. He would stay for this whole thing.

“If you don’t want me here, why the hell do you hit me up?” Heather demanded.

I took a deep breath and paced back and forth. “Don’t worry. I’ll make sure to move you down to number three on my list. You won’t ever get a call again asking if you’re free to suck some dick.”

“You’re a piece of shit, Jaxon,” Heather spat, her voice trembling when she said my name. She reached around the counter, grabbed an empty beer bottle, and whipped it across the living room. I ducked to the left, and when I looked up, she was gone. Her aim came only inches from my head.

“What the hell, J?” Bryson laughed and had to lean on the counter for support. “That girl is wild.”

“Never again.” I ran my hands through my hair and groaned, making my way back to my bedroom. I closed my eyes, eager to sleep off the rest of the hangover.

I played back what I remembered from the evening in my head. My clearest memory was getting a picture from Maci of her and Katie. Everything went downhill from there. It took everything I had not to find her last night and kiss her again. The only thing that helped was taking shot after shot of Jack Daniel’s.

The next thing I knew, we were off to the bars, and Heather managed to find her way into my bedroom. I couldn’t even remember if we slept together.

A soft voice came from my doorway. “Jaxon?”

I knew that voice. I got butterflies at the sound of it.

I looked up from my phone and saw Maci in an oversized Tampa Bay Lightning T-shirt and black leggings. A mini movie played in my head as I stared at Bryson’s clothes. It went just like the film I had been featured in two nights ago. Only Bryson’s version made it to the end. There was an ache in my chest, and it felt like someone had punched me in the throat.

She spoke a little louder now that the blender in the kitchen drowned out our conversation. “Was that you screaming?” She was nervous to hear my reply.

I didn’t know how to answer her. She had never heard me speak like that to anyone before. I had been able to hide this part of myself from our friendship. As soon as I let that side out for someone, it was hard to reel back in.

“Damn.” She crossed her arms. “Is that what I would’ve had to look forward to?” She sounded like she was joking, but I sensed her underlying disappointment.

“Nah.” I sat down on the edge of my bed and sighed. “You wouldn’t have thrown a beer bottle.”