Page 19 of The Hookup Type

I sipped on my Long Island and shook my head. “For the fifth time, Katie, no, he hasn’t texted me back.”

After I told Katie what happened last night with Jaxon, she insisted that it was because he was a good guy, and I owed it to myself to see where it would lead. I knew she really liked Jaxon and wasn’t ready to see me write him off just yet.

We were at Bar 149, and it was completely packed. I texted Jaxon a picture of Katie and me in our costumes right before we left the apartment to head for the bars. It was cute enough to send after what happened last night and just the right amount of casual for two people who almost slept together.

Fuck me. I didn’t know what was expected at this point. I checked my phone for the time, and it was one in the morning.

“We can probably hit one last bar before we head home.” I laughed as Katie adjusted her bright orange crop top.

“Hey there, Mrs. Officer,” someone slurred in my ear.

I swore if I heard that one more time tonight. I rolled my eyes and looked to my left, where a guy dressed as a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle was leaning against the bar. He lifted his eye mask and smiled. He was cute and had pretty eyes, but the only face I wanted to see in front of me wasn’t responding to my text messages.

“Let me buy you a drink.” The turtle motioned for the bartender.

“We were just leaving.” I got up from my barstool, tapped Katie’s shoulder, and we headed toward the exit.

“Brathaus!” Katie yelled so our party could hear her.

I brushed past her, eager to get outside. I had to get away from the crowd for a few moments.

Dozens of different costumes passed me on the street. I scanned the crowds and pulled out my phone again. There was still no response from Jaxon, and I hated that I was looking for him while I waited for Katie and the others.

Brathaus was around the corner from Bar 149 on Court Street. It was pretty packed since it was a popular place to end the night. It was home to Stop Light shots, Legal Joints, and free popcorn.

We got drinks at the bar and snagged the only empty table left in the back. I set my Legal Joint on the table and leaned on my elbows.

“Let’s do Stop Light shots,” Katie announced to the table before she dragged Tyler up to the bar.

I watched Sam and Owen dance in an open spot on the floor as “Hey Mama” by Nicki Minaj erupted through the speakers. They were dressed as sexy Mario and Luigi and quickly became a crowd favorite. Other couples started to join them, and pretty soon, I was alone at the table.

I sipped my Legal Joint and tried to get out of my depressing headspace. I didn’t want to confuse my ongoing disappointment with being sad. Jaxon was still my friend, and neither of our feelings was hurt, but I couldn’t help but wonder if I would’ve hated him in the morning like he said I would.

An elbow smacked into my arm, and I caught my glass just in time to save my drink. I spun around to confront the idiot who ran into the table, and I was greeted with a drunken smile, an exposed chest, and golden-brown eyes that popped against a light brown complexion.

A six-pack sat perfectly between two bright red suspenders. His arms were incredibly toned, and he had a tattoo that covered his shoulder and bicep. A black firefighter hat sat on top of his head, and his face had black smudges going in random directions. I could tell he applied the makeup himself.

His smile was captivating. This guy had almost taken me out at my own table, and here I was, smirking like an idiot and checking him out.

“Do you wanna arm wrestle?” He was still smiling as he leaned an arm on the table.

I stifled a laugh and set my drink back on the table. “You literally just ran into me, and you want toarm wrestle?”

He drew back his arm. “What do you want me to say?” A group of girls dressed as the Power Puff Girls walked past us, and his glossy eyes followed.

“You don’t need to say a thing,” I said. This guy was a typical asshole. I turned to try to find Katie and the others at the front of the bar, but I couldn’t see any familiar faces. I checked my phone and saw we had about fifteen minutes until the last call. Katie was probably outside in the alley, so I approached the back entrance and let myself out.

When the door swung shut, I heard a noise and a soft laugh. I turned around to see the firefighter right behind me. His smile was back, and he stood there staring at me with his hands in the pockets of his jeans. I would’ve considered this guy incredibly creepy if he weren't so good-looking.

I was easily violating the first rule of Women’s Safety 101.

“Can I help you?” I asked slowly and looked around to make sure we weren’t the only people in the alley. Groups of people passed us, and none were the group I was looking for.

The firefighter shrugged. “I was going to come with you.” He took a few steps toward me and took my hand, leading us to the main road. I didn’t even try to get my hand out of his since he didn’t give me time to react to the gesture. He stopped right before the road and waited for my direction.

I laughed when he looked at me and raised his eyebrows. I decided to blindly go with the flow.

“Let’s head up toward my apartment,” I offered. “Hopefully, we can catch up with Katie.”