Page 132 of The Hookup Type

“Well, she’s leaving with that guy,” Connor said, unimpressed with my choice to do nothing about it.

My eyes shot over to the now-empty table Maci had stood at a few seconds ago. I must’ve just missed her when I took that shot. I slammed my drink down and brushed Lindsey off of my chest.

“The fuck she is,” I said sternly.

I jogged across the balcony and weaved my way through the crowded club until I was at the exit. I got stuck behind a few slow people going down the stairs, but I was out on the sidewalk in just a few minutes.

I looked to the left first, just in case she decided to go in the opposite direction of her place. I started walking to the right and spotted her only a few bars down.

Douchebag’s arm was draped around her shoulders, and a fire ignited in my chest.

I cupped my hands around my mouth and yelled, “Mace!”



March 2016

Even with musicfrom the bars and conversation flowing from the crowd walking down the street, I heard his voice clear as day. It helped of course that he yelled my name, but there was only one person who said my name like that.

When I turned around, he stood only a few feet in front of me. His face was calm, and his dark green eyes centered on me. His white Henley hugged his shoulders and chest, and his hands were tucked into the pockets of his jeans. It was like I wasn’t even standing with another guy—he paid him absolutely no attention.

“Give me a second, Adam,” I said to the guy from the bar.

Adam shrugged and walked ahead to give us some space. I turned my attention back to Jaxon and pursed my lips.

“You going home with him?” A cocky grin spread across Jaxon’s face, and he took a step toward me.

I swallowed at the thought of him getting any closer and crossed my arms in front of my chest. I honestly hadn’t gotten that far in my thinking. I just knew that Adam gave me an out from watching Jaxon get hit on from all different angles. I didn’t want to stay and see if he decided to make a move on one of the many girls who would buy him shots all night. Just the thought of it made my stomach turn.

I cleared my throat and shrugged. “We’re just going to another bar.”

“Is that other bar your place or his?” he teased.

I shook my head and glared at him. “You’re unbelievable.”

“You would have me thinking otherwise since you’re leaving with someone else,” he snapped but kept his tone calm.

I smiled condescendingly. “I wasn’t sure I could fit at the table with you and your groupies.”

He licked the center of his bottom lip and looked at me in a way that made me weak in the knees. “They’re just girls, Mace.”

I sucked my teeth and rolled my eyes.

“You told me you wanted a night out with your friends,” he reminded me. “I’m just having a good time and giving you your space.”

“I didn’t ask for space!” I exclaimed. It was the same phrase Katie used back at the apartment and I was tired of hearing it.

I caught him off guard, and his eyebrows knit together. He took a few more steps toward me but kept a safe distance between us. “I told you I wasn’t fuckin’ around with anyone else.”

“Right now, you’re not.”

He leaned back on his heels and straightened himself out again. “I told you I would tell you if that changes.”

I took a few steps toward him, and his dimple dug into his cheek. “What happens when one of us is done, and this doesn’t work?” I protested. “You don’t worry about me being with other guys?”

“No,” he answered quickly.