Page 130 of The Hookup Type

“Tequila!” Owen shouted and passed around the plastic shot glasses.

Katie and I groaned and shared a look of disappointment. Neither of us took tequila well. It was a potion designed for anger, drama, and disaster.

“What the fuck.” Katie shrugged hopelessly. “Cheers to St. Patty’s Day 2016.”

My mouth hung open, and I watched her drain the cup of clear liquid. She puckered her lips and stared at me while her eyes glossed over.

“I hate you both!” I yelled at Sam and Owen right before I took my shot. It burned going down my throat, and I felt it make a home in my stomach. A shiver ran up my spine, and I stuck out my tongue so I wouldn’t gag.

“You had your fun!” Katie declared to Sam. “Now I wanna see my boy toy.” A sneaky grin spread across her face, and I wondered if it was the shot or the fact that Katie had finally said I love you.

Owen leaned his elbows on the table and put his face closer to Katie. “Where is your hunky boy toy?”

Katie’s thumbs went to work on her phone screen, and we all waited in anticipation for our next destination. “He’s at The Attic.”

Sam’s fists both shot into the air, and he cheered for his love of The Attic. The crowd behind him had no idea what he was so happy about, but they joined in on the cheering. The sound spread throughout the bar, and our table burst into hysterics. There was always so much love in a college bar after a few hours of drinking. The energy was contagious.

There was a short line to get into The Attic, but it went quickly since the bar decided only to let students with Bowling Green IDs get in. It was refreshing to be greeted by a normal-sized crowd. “Mr. Brightside” by The Killers boomed through the bar, and the dance floor lost it at the famous throwback.

Katie spotted Connor over by the pool tables and pointed him out so the rest of us could make our way over there. She ran into his arms, and he lifted her so her mouth could meet his. It made my chest swell with emotion to see her so happy with a guy like Connor. He was everything she needed in a boyfriend and everything I wanted my best friend to have.

I leaned against the bar and offered to buy Sam and Owen their drinks since they got the last shot. We ordered three Long Islands, and after my first sip, I felt the tequila working its magic. I was officially buzzed, and it came at the perfect time since Bryson took the empty spot next to me at the counter.

“Looking for Jaxon?” Bryson offered with a set of glossy eyes.

I laughed when I saw an expression I had witnessed so many times. He batted his long dark lashes and waited for me to respond.

“He doesn’t know I’m here,” I shouted over the music.

“He knows you’re here,” he yelled. “He saw you walk in.”

My eyebrows knit together, and I quickly scanned the crowd around us.

Bryson grinned at the shift in my body language. “He’s outside.”

I rolled my eyes and took a long sip of my drink. I watched as Katie and Connor headed outside to the balcony. I turned to follow them, but Bryson gripped the sleeve of my jacket.

“Hey,” he said, doing his best not to slur. My eyes met his, and he took a deep breath. “I’m only saying this because I’m drunk, and I’m only gonna say it once.”

“Oh god,” I deadpanned and stifled another laugh.

He licked the center of his bottom lip and continued, “And I’m only saying this because you're gonna be around for a little while”—he cocked his head and winced—“at least, I think you are.”

“Get on with it, Bryson,” I snapped, and he laughed.

He took another deep breath, and his eyes landed on mine for a second time. “I’m sorry if you felt I was an asshole to you.”

I shook my head and gaped at the sincerity of his tone. “Another award-winning apology from you. It’s such a shame I don’t have to worry about those anymore.”

“It is an apology!” he exclaimed, and a massive grin spread across his face.

He completely messed up the wording, but I understood where he was trying to come from. I rolled my eyes and did it in a way where he knew I accepted his olive branch. I had a feeling our relationship was headed down an interesting road, especially since Jaxon talked about them rooming together next year too.

The pit in my stomach sank as I thought about next year. It completely plummeted out of my body when I saw Jaxon standing at one of the tables outside with Heather draped over his shoulder, and his face leaned in close to a girl I didn’t even recognize.

I was beginning to hate this bar.
