“You seem pretty confident she’s gonna say yes.” I smirked.
“As long as I don’t fuck up in the next few months, I don’t see why she wouldn’t.” He laughed like that thought hadn’t even crossed his mind. There was no way in hell Bella would ever say no. She would’ve married Alex if he had asked her back when they were eighteen—and even then she was dating someone else.
“I’m gonna try to talk her into having it in December at the Welsh Estate.” Alex blew a puff of smoke toward the fountain.
“You’ve really thought about this, haven’t you?”
“I have been since I met up with her out in Cali,” he admitted.
“Wait, this December?” I gasped and did a quick rundown of the timeline in my head. “If you propose in June, that’s only six months away!”
“So what,” Alex argued. “I don’t need more time. I want to marry her before the end of the year.”
I considered his reasoning and nodded to let him know I understood his point.
“You’ll get a plus one, but don’t bring home some trashy broad from BG,” he joked as we started back up to the house.
For a brief moment, I caught myself wanting to bring up Maci in the conversation. I wanted to let Alex know that if it worked out for December, I already knew who would be coming with me to his wedding.
If I saw Maci with me at the wedding in December, that would mean I’d have to find a way for it to work with us over the summer. There was a tiny pull in my chest at the thought of being away from her for three months. I couldn’t even pretend like I was considering anyone else.
I wasn’t sure how to be anything other than a one-night-stand kind of guy. I had worked through so many girls that I had no idea what number I was even on. I didn’t even know if I could be loyal to just one person for an extended period of time. But I knew if there was one girl I would try it for, it was the one I had thought about every single day since she sat next to me in class.
“I promise no trashy broads,” I said and held up my arms for emphasis. “I’ve got just the girl in mind.”
March 2016
“I may actually killyou if we continue with this conversation,” Katie warned me from her seat at the kitchen table. She had a magnifying mirror rested in front of her, and her assortment of makeup was displayed around the table.
“Why?” I snapped over Katie’s Drunk Betch playlist and adjusted my emerald green crop top in the hallway mirror. I paired it with ripped black skinny jeans and black Vans.
We got pretty lucky with the weather for St. Patrick's Day. It was a whopping sixty-two degrees out, but it was clear that spring was just around the corner. The sun shining through our living room window gave me hope that the weather would hold out for the rest of the day.
“Because Maci! When we left Port Clinton, everything was fine. You two couldn’t get enough of each other, and now you’re asking him for some space?” Katie widened her eyes so she could do her lower liner.
I knew this conversation was coming. Ever since we got back from break on Sunday night, Jaxon had only been here one time and it was in the middle of the afternoon. Our plans to go out for St. Patrick’s Day cut into our usual Thursday dinner routine, and I also hadn’t slept with him since we got back either—which was a whole other area of torture that my body wasn’t on board with.
While my heart begged me to distance myself in case everything went south, my body ached to feel his hands and his touch in places I couldn’t even imagine another man being. It was an exhausting battle to sort through.
The whole time I was managing my own emotional war, Jaxon didn’t make it any easier by not pushing me. He read all of my signs and didn’t question why we weren’t picking up where we left off after Port Clinton—either that, or he was getting some from other places.
I shook that thought immediately from my head and focused so I wouldn’t mess up my new mauve lipstick. It was a shade Katie told me I needed to own after our night out at Razzle’s, and she wasn’t wrong. It looked fabulous with everything.
“I didn’t ask him for space, Katie. I told him I was going out with the girls for St. Patty’s Day. There’s a difference,” I defended.
“Well, even though I’malsogoing out with the girls, I still plan on meeting up with Connor later at the bars.” She turned in her chair so she could face me. “Willyoube meeting up with Jaxon tonight at the bars?”
“I don’t know,” I admitted lamely to my reflection.
Katie rolled her eyes and dabbed her red lipstick with a napkin.
I sighed and rolled my eyes back even though she couldn’t see me. “Connor’s your boyfriend, Katie,” I argued. “Jaxon’s not my boyfriend.”
She let out a hearty laugh, and I could tell she was annoyed with my justification.