I went to smack her playfully over the table, and she braced herself. She pursed her lips because we both knew she had a point, and she sipped her coffee in victory.
“I’m stuck.” I shook my head and rested it in my hand. “I went into it knowing I couldn’t expect anything, so the last thing I want to be is that girl who admitted she loved him and then demanded where we stood. He doesn’t do relationships, and I feel like throwing that all in his face might be the death of him.”
Katie nodded as she processed my honest admission. “But you aren’t just any girl—you arethat girlto him, Mace.”
The skin around her eyes was soft as she spoke, and I felt my shoulders relax a little bit. I didn’t realize how tense I was until a huge weight shifted in my chest. Of course I wanted to be special to Jaxon, but ever since I met him, I was positive that no such girl existed.
“You don’t know that. He hasn’t come out and said anything.” I shrugged and sat back up in my seat. “And until I hear it from him, I don’t think I have a choice but to assume this is a temporary thing.” A small lump formed in my throat at the thought of ending things so quickly after they had just started. “I’ll just have to let him know if it gets too hard. He told me this morning that we’ll talk about it later, but I know him, and he will need prompting.”
Katie shrugged. “Just make sure the only prompting you do with your mouth isactuallycontributing to the solution.”
“Katie!” I exclaimed.
Katie raised her hands defensively and giggled. “I’m just saying I know how it can be having to talk about things neither of you really want to hash out! Connor and I get sidetracked all the time.”
“You don’t say,” I murmured into my plate. My stomach settled now that we were shifting the focus onto Katie and her relationship. I took a hefty bite of my pancake and chewed. “So talk to me about why you can’t say I love you. People just spew it out in that condo.”
“I’m afraid to say it first,” Katie answered quickly without a hint of shame. “Everything with us has moved quickly since we met. What if we mess it up?”
“Katie, please. You two are like a Hallmark movie.”
“But what if that’s the problem? What if things are too great? I feel like I’m so happy with him that something terrible is just bound to happen. And it will be much easier when we break up if I never told him I loved him.”
“Katie.” I swallowed another bite of pancake and placed my hand over hers. “Your ex-hookup attacked you in a bar, and the guy I’m in love with beat the shit out of him.” Her eyes met mine, and she broke into a grin. “I think you’re good for a while.”
We laughed at a memory that seemed so far away. While nothing was funny about the encounter that night, I hoped that clarified what she left with Tyler and where she headed with Connor.
March 2016
It wasour last night in Port Clinton.
Everyone agreed that since we were heading back early in the morning, we deserved a night off from partying. No part of me wanted to go out to a club or spend another night in Heather’s hot tub—but I didn’t want to spend our last night sitting in the condo either.
Unless I was locked in my bedroom with Maci all night. We still hadn’t talked about last night or this morning, and I knew it was only a matter of time before one of us caved and brought it up.
Since it wasn’t supposed to be ridiculously cold outside, Connor suggested a fire down at one of the public beaches. The guys were easy to persuade when I mentioned all the beer we still had to drink. It would be a chill way to end our trip.
Around three, Connor came out onto the deck to tell me he was heading back over to his place. I nodded and he hesitated to see if I was coming with him. When I didn’t get up from my chair, he slipped back inside and shut the door behind him.
“I’m probably gonna head over there and shower,” Bryson said. He put out his Black & Mild and stood up.
I dragged my hands down my face and looked back out at the water. “I’ll meet you over there in a few.”
Once Bryson was inside, I stood up and walked over the railing. I leaned over and crossed my hands out in front of me. I wanted to go over to the other condo with a clear head, and I knew a good way to escape for a minute or two. I pulled out my phone and clicked on my mom’s contact photo. She answered on the second ring.
“Hey baby.” I could tell by her voice that she was smiling.
“Hey, Ma.” I grinned and gripped the railing with my free hand. “What are you up to?”
“What am I up to?” she countered. “I’m on my way to a conference in downtown Charlotte. What areyoudoing calling me on your break?”
I swallowed and bit the inside of my cheek.
“Jaxon Reed, what did you do?” she asked accusingly, and I laughed involuntarily at her tone.