I heard some people moving around. It sounded like someone was coming down the hall and getting closer to my room. I debated turning over on my side, but when I went to turn, my back moved against something firm.
I was on the living room couch. The last thing I remembered from last night was getting into the hot tub after I asked Connor what time Katie and Maci were heading over. Everything went downhill from there.
A door slammed shut, and I heard someone slide into a bar stool. It sounded like the basement door from where I was in the living room.
“Did you?” I heard Katie ask.
“Nothing happened! He couldn’t find his room last night,” Maci answered her. She sounded amused and annoyed at the same time.
Since I knew Jared wouldn’t go into her bedroom, it had to be Bryson they were talking about.
“So he stumbled into yours?” Katie prompted.
“Actually, he stumbled into mineafterstumbling out of someone else’s.”
“Eww,” Katie spat. She almost got a laugh out of me as she openly despised Bryson.
“Yeah,” Maci said. Even laying on the couch with my eyes closed, I knew that Maci’s mouth was in a hard line. She was trying not to smile.
“Did you say something to him about it?” Katie asked.
Maci sighed. “Of course I did. And he completely lied about it. I literally watched him go into a room with a girl last night.”
“Eww,” Katie repeated.
It was one thing to imagine what a typical girl conversation between Maci and Katie was like, but getting a front-row seat to it was a whole different experience. They were usually so in sync and it was refreshing to get Katie’s raw reaction to Bryson.
“Real class act, isn’t he?” Maci muttered.
“And yet you are still hooking up with him,” Katie teased.
“Katie!” Maci screeched and laughed at the same time.
The noise made me shoot up, and I immediately put my hand on my forehead. My brain felt like it was knocking against my skull. I mumbled loudly and whined into the back of the couch.
“Oh, I didn’t see you over there.” Katie peered over the countertop. “Couldn’t make it to your room last night?”
I glanced over at the two of them in the kitchen, and they both wore the same amused and confused look on their faces.
“Apparently not,” I admitted, trying to sit up a little taller.
“You got a little . . .” Maci tapped her neck with her fingers, and I mimicked her body language. “Down . . .” She pointed her finger and cocked her head. “Left . . . there it is!”
Her face lit up with a massive grin, and Katie chuckled. I drew my fingers back, and they were tinted with red lipstick. I had no idea who the mark was from.
“Would you like a mimosa now? Is it too early, or are you trying to roll over last night's sprint into today?” Katie asked sarcastically.
I shot them both a look of disgust, and Maci pulled her mouth into a hard line. She looked like she was going to explode at any moment. Both of them were enjoying this way too much.
“I’m actually feeling pretty damn good,” Maci murmured, turning her attention back to Katie.
“Me too,” Katie piped up. “I think it was the Pink Drink.”
They both burst into hysterics, and that was the last thing I remembered before I passed out against the couch pillow.
* * *
About five hours later,I started to feel human again. The recovery consisted of a long nap in my actual room, a bowl of soup from Katie, and a Sprite from Connor. I felt like their teenage son who had partied too hard on the first night of vacation.