Page 90 of The Hookup Type

“Katie,I’m not sure you understand the urgency of this situation,” I emphasized from the kitchen table. I was making a packing list for Port Clinton—a trip we were leaving for tomorrow.

Spring break had finally arrived, and while most students were heading home on this lovely Friday evening, we had to pack. My column of check marks only had two completed items, and I felt myself getting anxious.

“Could youpleasestop pretending that you are nervous about the packing list, and can we chat about what isreallythrowing you off?” Katie snapped back. Her duffle was open on the couch, and she was tossing articles of clothing into the living room from her bedroom. Her hill of options was slowly turning into a mountain.

I pursed my lips and slid the notebook away from me. “I’m not sure what you mean.”

“Maci.” Katie laughed and emerged from her bedroom. “I literally walked through the door twenty minutes ago. I know you’ve been stressing about this trip, but we both know it isn’t about the fucking packing list.”

I innocently widened my eyes and pushed her to continue. I knew full well what she was referring to. Jaxon and Bryson were going to be on the same trip as me, and I had no idea how I would handle it. Things were going great with Jaxon, but things were also going okay with Bryson.

“We have gone through this.” Katie sat down across from me at the table. “Connor’s condo has five bedrooms, and one of them belongs to just you.”

I nodded and released a breath I didn’t realize I was holding.

“It’s going to be fine,” she emphasized, smacking my hands playfully. “Bryson has his own room, so it shouldn’t be a problem.”

As she walked back toward her room, I shifted my body to follow her. “Should I be bothered by that?”

“Bothered by what?” Katie popped her head back out into the hallway.

I laughed at the expression on her face and continued, “We’ve been hooking up since November. I shouldn’t be bothered that he hasn’t madeanycomments about this trip? Like sharing a room or hooking up while we are there—”

“Here’s the thing.” Katie made herself visible again in the living room. Her tone told me that I was about to receive word from Blunt Katie. “He’s a Fun Dip, Mace,” she enunciated, “and while he’s the only guyyouare dipping on, there are probably plenty of other girls he is dippingin.”

“Clever, Katie. Thank you for that extended metaphor.”

“We’ve gone over this.” She laughed. “Yeah, it’s shitty that he lies to you, and you have every right to get upset about that. But when it comes to how you guys interact with each other, you both are very free to do whatever you want.”

I nodded and shot up out of my seat. “I’m going to start packing.”

“Hold on!”

I peered around the corner and met Katie’s prying eyes.

“That is only half of the nonsense I know is rolling around in your head.” She fell on the couch next to her overflowing duffel and ran a hand through her ponytail. “What about Jaxon? What are your concerns for him?”

“Nothing,” I answered honestly and shrugged. “Other than Bryson being there, I really don’t worry about Jaxon. Same story, same ending.”

“Good,” Katie stated.

“Anythingyou’reworried about?” I padded over to the recliner and rested my head in my hands. “We may as well do a double-sided status check here.”

Katie smiled at my statement. “I have nothing to worry about.”

I shook my head and knew that I was kidding myself if Katie had any concerns at all about this trip. Her boyfriend of two months had just asked her on a spring break getaway to his family’s condo. What sorts of problems could arise out of that?

She tossed a hoodie into her bag and rested her hands on her lap. “Actually, there is one thing.”

I shifted back into the recliner and listened to Katie’s sudden need for advice. I stared and waited for her to make eye contact, but her eyes never left the bracelets on her wrist.

“Katie?” I prompted.

She shifted her gaze to me, and the words left her mouth quickly. “Is it possible to be in love with someone after only knowing them for a few months?”

Startled by her admission, I took a moment to digest what she was asking me. She and Connor met in December, and it was just now March. It was a short timeline, and she was worried that it was too soon to feel the way that she did about Connor.

I met Jaxon back in August. Two months into our friendship, I knew I cared about him more than a friend. I knew that I was scared to lose him the moment after we tried to hook up.