Page 81 of The Hookup Type

That day seemed so long ago, back when she was just a ghost emoji on my phone. Somehow a few text messages transformed into a coffee and dinner routine that led us up to this point.

“I didn’t know you guys met before your class,” Connor said. He sounded disappointed that there was information he didn’t know. “I was at Dairy Queen that day. Was Katie with her?”

“Yeah.” I smiled and turned to face Connor. “I saw Katie that day and totally thought she was your type.”

“And you met Katie through Maci?” Chase asked Connor. He had relaxed a lot since the change in subject.

“Actually, I met her because I came over here with Jaxon,” Connor explained.

Chase nodded like he knew where the conversation was headed. “Tyler. He was kicked off campus, though, right?”

“Yup,” Connor confirmed proudly.

Chase turned his gaze and pointed toward me. “And you beat his ass.”

I shrugged. “Something like that.”

Chase didn’t even try to hide the giant smile that was plastered on his face. He seemed to approve of my decision to lose my shit on Tyler.

“Why did she call you, Sheesh?” I asked, putting the attention back on him. When Chase got here, it was the first name Maci called him. She had never mentioned that nickname before.

He laughed and shook his head a few times. “When she was little, and my parents tried to get her to say my name, it always came out as Sheesh instead of Chase.”

I stared out into the parking lot and pictured Maci running around as a little kid. A few months ago, I never imagined myself having a conversation with the brother of some girl I had just met at the beginning of the year.

Who the fuck was I kidding? I never expected to fall for the girl I saved as a ghost emoji either.



February 2016

It had beentwo solid days of Chase moping around our living room. I could deal with some sad songs here and there. Anyone with taste would never turn down a chance to belt “Wrecking Ball” by Miley Cyrus or “Thinkin' About You” by Frank Ocean, but I drew the line at sappy country songs. That shit was just depressing.

“Mace?” Katie peeked her head into my room and widened her eyes.

I stared at her sympathetically as Brooks and Dunn’s “Neon Moon” blared through the speakers.

She took a few steps toward me so she could lower her voice to a whisper. “I am all about supporting Chase’s recovery, but could we please tone down the music choice? I am happy in my relationship, and the mood here has been so depressing that I wake up questioning myself.”

I rubbed my temples and laughed at Katie’s comment. There was so much truth to her statement. “I’ll talk to him today,” I offered.

“Perhaps you could chat with him sometime before Connor and I get home from dinner tonight?” Katie asked hopefully. She had been gushing about some surprise dinner Connor had planned for them for Valentine’s Day. She even had me excited to learn the details.

“Yes,” I promised. “You and Connor will not be having romantic Valentine’s Day sex to any of this negative energy.” I fanned my hand in the direction of the living room.

“I appreciate your support,” Katie stated, turning on her heels to leave.

Once she was gone from my room, I reached for my phone and dialed Jaxon’s number. He picked up on the fourth ring.

“Did you call to wish me a happy Valentine’s Day?” I could tell he was smiling on the other end of the line.

I shut my door and tried to cancel out some of the depressing lyrics happening in the other room. “Not exactly. Are you free for a drive?”

“Damn. You can’t even wish me that after I mention it?”

“Jaxon, I don’t have time to recognize a holiday I know for a fact you’ve never celebrated,” I snapped.