“Well, that’s good she’s going out again, I guess?” I tried. It was nice to hear that Katie was doing okay. After I learned what happened with Tyler, I was glad the fucker got kicked off of campus.
Connor nodded and went back to scrambling his eggs. It smelled amazing.
“Can you make me some?” I begged and laid my head down on the counter.
“Rough night?”
“Honestly, I’m not sure.” I gestured to the bottle of Advil behind him on the counter.
He reached for it and handed it to me.
“Can you pass me a Gatorade?” I asked.
“Dude!” he exclaimed. “Anything else you need?”
I sighed. I popped three pills and took a long sip of Gatorade.
This was the third Sunday I wasn’t hanging out with Maci. It was the third Sunday I wasn’t waking up and looking forward to lounging around her apartment while Katie made dinner in the crockpot. We would cycle through shows, and I would spend the day napping and working on assignments that were due on Monday.
I had slept around. I had my space. I wasn’t sure how much longer I wanted to keep this up.
Connor set a full plate of food in front of me. “Can I ask for some advice?”
“Shoot.” I bit into a piece of bacon.
“Katie and I have been together for a little over a month, so by spring break, it will be two months . . .” he began.
I stared at him, dumbfounded by the fact that a question regarding relationships was being directed toward me.
“Is it too weird to ask her to do something like a trip for spring break?”
“Kennedy and I bring randoms with us all the time on trips.” I shrugged. “I’m sure it’s totally fine to bring your own girlfriend.”
Connor nodded and stuck a forkful of scrambled eggs in his mouth. He still looked unsure about whatever he was contemplating.
“Listen, man, I’ve never once been close to relationship territory, but if you feel weird about it, then maybe don’t mention a trip?” I tried.
“My family owns a really nice condo up in Port Clinton. It’s not far from here, and it would be big enough for a bunch of people to go,” Connor said.
I chewed on my bacon and waited for him to keep going.
“Would you go?” He looked up from his plate with an innocent stare.
I grinned. “Are you inviting me on your spring break trip, Connor?”
“I planned on inviting the other guys too, but you have a different scenario than they do.”
My mouth turned to a straight line, and Connor shook his head. He asked me because if Katie said she wanted to go, she would invite Maci.
“I think it’s Bryson you might want to clear that up with. Not me,” I argued.
“I’m not worried about Bryson,” Connor said. “I’m bringing it up to you because you and Maci areactuallyfriends.”
I took another sip of Gatorade and didn’t say anything. I wasn’t sure what to say about what he was suggesting. Bryson was the one who was hooking up with Maci. Connor needed to clear this idea with him, not me. Maci and I could be in the same place and not cause any drama.
“Can I give you some advice you didn’t ask for?” Connor rested his elbows on the counter. He could see the wheels spinning in my head.
“Aren’t you going to anyway?” I deadpanned.