Page 125 of The Hookup Type

I froze and glanced over at Maci to see her expression.

“I must’ve forgotten it.” Maci bit the inside of her cheek, and Katie read right through her lie.

“Forgot it.” Katie nodded and averted her gaze casually toward me so she didn’t draw attention to herself. “That’s what we’re doing now.”

I turned away and burst into hysterics just as Bryson was coming back from the beer pong tables.

“My man.” He shot me a drunken smile and held onto my shoulder. “You ready for another round?”

“Yeah.” I laughed and grabbed a beer. “I’m down.”



March 2016

It wasquiet in the car the entire ride back to Bowling Green. Everyone was exhausted from a long weekend of drinking, partying, and staying up late.

Katie and Connor lounged in the backseat while I rested my head in my hand against the car door. I stared out the window and felt Jaxon’s hand graze my upper thigh. When I turned to look at him, he offered me a sleepy smile and returned his focus back to the road.

For our last night together, Jaxon had kept me up with his constant need to show me how much he would miss me over the rest of the break. I got hot all over again just thinking about how he used his tongue and his hands.

My stomach sank just as fast when I remembered I would be without him for a couple of days.

It was a slow start getting everyone out of the condo, but at exactly ten-thirty, we rolled into the lot of Falcon’s Point. Jaxon was able to park right outside the door since the lot was empty. Everyone had already traveled home for break, and an eerie silence hung over a building usually buzzing with activity.

Katie jolted awake at the sound of the gear shift. She stretched out her arms, and Connor sat up.

“Ughhhh, I don’t wanna make this drive,” Connor whined through a yawn.

“I feel that,” Jaxon moaned and dragged his hands down his face. He turned his head to face me and pouted.

I shot him an empathetic grin and felt his pain. I wasn’t looking forward to the two-hour drive I had back home. I couldn’t imagine having to drive nine hours after the last few days we just had.

Brad’s car pulled up next to us. We all got out at the same time and began the process of unloading. It didn’t take long since most of the stuff from Jaxon’s car just had to go into Connor’s.

Jared was the first to take off. He pulled his duffle from Brad’s trunk and went around to give his goodbyes.

“Do you have a key?” Bryson teased.

Jared laughed. “Yeah, man. I’m good.” He rounded the group to Jaxon, and they shook hands the way guys do.

I laughed when he pulled me in for a hug. “Be careful driving,” I said.

He winked at me and did a final wave before he ducked into his car.

“Bitch probably still doesn’t have a key,” Bryson murmured, and we all laughed. He pulled his keys from the pocket of his sweatpants and headed toward the door to the apartment building.

“We’re gonna head out.” Connor threw his arm around Katie’s shoulder. “You ready, Maci?”

“I’ll drive her over there,” Jaxon offered before I could open my mouth to speak.

“Hmm,” Katie piped up, and a satisfied grin spread across her face.

I widened my eyes and did a quick look around the parking lot.

“It’s just us.” She laughed and extended her arms out for a hug. She whispered reassuringly, “Your secret is still safe.”