Page 63 of Temptation

Oh, hell no he wasn’t. Like she didn’t have this entire goddamn monologue memorized thanks to assholes in high school and beyond… and yet she couldn’t find the words to stop him. Couldn’t move. All around her, everyone was holding up their phones, video taping, and she was fucking frozen because he’d caught her so off guard.

“It is the East and Juliet is the sun! It is my lady; O, it is my love.”

Okay, well now he was skipping lines, but she was okay with that.

“Oh, that I were a ring upon that hand, that I might touch that cheek.”

“Glove. The line is glove upon that hand.” Her tongue felt thick in her mouth, but at least she’d finally managed to get it moving.

Orlando Romeo shook his head.

“Seriously? I’m doing a bit here, little rose.” The endearment in front of their family made her whole body flush. The jerk. “I’m changing things up because it’s not like Romeo and Juliet ended happily, but I want to re-write that for us. We’ve been through our miscommunications, we’ve told our families and gotten their support, and there is no one else I would rather spend the rest of my life with. I can’t imagine being with anyone but you. Will you marry me?”

“I will.” She moved the mug to the side as he got to his feet, their combined families cheering as he pulled her in for a celebratory kiss.

* * *

The end…sort of. Nothing really ends here at Black Light. With more books still in the pipeline, you just might get to check in with Orlando and Juliet in a future book. Coming soon isBlack Light: Gambleby Livia Grant. Keep reading below for the blurb and short excerpt.


The Dungeon Master is kicking off his mid-life crisis in Vegas with a bang.

Turning fifty was bad enough but as a retired Hollywood stuntman, Elijah's worn body has been put through the wringer. All he wants to do is stay home and try to ignore the ticking clock of life. Instead, his old adrenaline-junkie buddies drag him to Vegas for a birthday blowout.

Then the universe delivers the best kind of birthday present, a weekend of no-strings-attached debauchery with a woman who reminded him of his youth. Except now he is technically old enough to be her father, and it had been years since he'd dated a 'vanilla.’

It was supposed to be one weekend. Fun and done. But he can't stop thinking about her. If only the universe would intervene again.

Excerpt fromBlack Light:Gamble:

Elijah shoved the small pad of paper across to Reagan. “Tear off three sheets of paper and write one activity you’d like to do on each of the sheets. Then I’ll write down my top three things. Then we’ll compare notes. If we match on one idea, you’ll stay and go with me.”

Her eyes danced with mischief, telling him she was genuinely having fun with his idea. He waited patiently for Reagan to scribble her top three Vegas destinations down on her papers before folding each and placing them in front of her.

It was her turn to wait as Elijah did his best to channel the connection he felt to the red-headed nurse to come up with at least one match to her list. After he had his three guesses on paper, he had one final thought and took time to write it down, marking that paper with a big BONUS after he set it on the table between them.

“What’s that one for? You only get three guesses.”

“I know, but just in case I get all three guesses right, then we’ll open this bonus sheet. You can consider that one an early birthday present for me.”

“You’re pretty sure of yourself, aren’t you?”

He grinned. “More like hopeful. Ready for my first guess?”

With her nod, he turned over the paper that he thought had the best chance of success, reading off the answer as well. “Go to the spa for a massage.”

“Wait! How did you….? Her voice trailed off.

“You have a stressful job. You’re on a mini-vacation so of course you deserve some time being pampered,” he answered truthfully.

She turned over one of the three papers in front of her, the one word MASSAGE confirming he’d guessed one of the three correctly.

“You’ve just earned yourself one massage, Ms. Murphy.”

“Wait… it’s your birthday. Shouldn’t I pay for your massage?”

He laughed. “Oh baby, it doesn’t work like that. Now… which one to choose for my next guess?” He reread his remaining guesses.