Page 22 of Temptation

“Shutting up now.”

He laughed, moving his hand over her bottom again, squeezing it gently to remind her that right now he was in control of her body. Sighing happily, she settled in against his chest.

It was a practically perfect moment.



It took Juliet a moment to reorient herself when her alarm went off. She was alone in her bed, except it wasn’t actually her bed, it was the guest bedroom at Brooke’s, which she was pretty sure was going to become her bed. Despite the short notice, her bestie had already insisted that she totally needed a roommate (lie) and she wanted it to be Juliet (truth). Even though Juliet knew Brooke didn’t actually need help with her mortgage, she appreciated her bestie’s willingness to let her move in and… well… where else was she going to go? She needed to take advantage of Brooke’s generosity at least for a little bit.

The other reason she needed a moment was because she felt so good when she woke up.

She ached. Everywhere. Her skin felt extra sensitive against the sheets. When she tried to roll, her legs pressed together and made her pussy throb in response. And her ass was sore as hell.

It was better than she could remember feeling waking up in months. Since that last Roulette Night with Orlando. Closing her eyes again, she buried her face into the pillow and sighed.

What the fuck was she going to do about Orlando?

A sharp rap on her door made her jump.

“Wake up, girlfriend, breakfast is almost ready. I know I heard your alarm go off.” Brooke gave the door another little knock, not waiting for Juliet to reply before her footsteps sounded, moving away from the door.

Might as well get up and face the day. Last night she’d managed to avoid an interrogation by her bestie because she’d been too dazed and exhausted from the scene with Orlando, not to mention just how hard the day had been before that. He’d helped her get out to the car and then Brooke had gotten her home. Juliet had been so out of it, she had almost gone to bed with the plug still in her ass.

Thankfully, Brooke had toy cleaner on hand so Juliet was able to take care of that before finally collapsing into bed and escaping from the myriad of complications her life had become.

Forcing herself out of bed, Juliet didn’t bother changing out of her pajamas. Gathering her hair into a low bun, she stretched and yawned, waking up a little bit more before she finally left the safety of the room to face her bestie. She also woke up enough to realize she could go on the offensive.

“I can’t believe you called Orlando,” she complained as she walked into the kitchen. “Ooo, coffee.”

Brooke smirked at her as she passed the cup she was holding over, like she’d been waiting for Juliet to come into the kitchen to make exactly that complaint, just so she could divert her. Knowing Brooke, that had probably been exactly her plan. They knew each other too well, and Juliet knew her friend had meddled because she thought it was the right thing to do.

Still though.

“Don’t even try to tell me you two didn’t have unfinished business,” Brooke said, turning back to the sausages, eggs, and French toast she was making on the stove. Still wearing her terrycloth robe and her favorite red satin bonnet, she looked almost exactly like she had during their college days when they’d roomed together. “You didn’t have to go scene with him, but before you jumped back into kink you did need to talk to him. I know he was why you swore off kink, so he needed to be the one to fix it.”

Scowling, even though she didn’t really feel it, Juliet sat down at the kitchen table, taking a sip from her coffee. It was fixed exactly the way she liked, with two sugars and a splash of cream.

“Maybe I should just marry you, and you can make breakfast for me all the time.”

“If wishes could turn us into lesbians, I could do better than you.” Brooke smirked at her over her shoulder as Juliet laughed.

“You probably could. I’m a hot mess.” Unexpected tears sprang into her eyes, and she put down the coffee mug to rub at her face.

“Oh, baby, I didn’t mean it like that.” The clicking sound of burners being turned off on the stove accompanied Brooke’s words, and then her bestie was there, wrapping her arms around Juliet’s shoulders. “If I was a lesbian or bi, I would totally do you. And if one of us was dominant. That would also be a necessary change.”

Juliet tilted her head to the side to squeeze Brooke’s arm between her shoulder and head, hugging her back as best she could. She rubbed Brooke’s arm with her hand, sighing again but also feeling a little better.

“Too bad we’re totally sexually incompatible… although even with all that, I’m more compatible with you than my ex-boyfriend. What does that say about me?” The question came out tinged with more than a little bitterness. She’d cut herself off from her own needs for someone who was so close-minded…

Not that he’d ever given any indication he was before, but the topic had just never come up. That was how thoroughly she’d been avoiding kink, she hadn’t even talked about it tangentially. If she had, and London had reacted that way, she never would have let the relationship get as far as it had.

It was one thing not to be kinky or not to want to try kink, but his level of judgment was something she couldn’t live with even if they’d never indulged themselves. Freaking needing therapy just for being kinky? It wasn’t some kind of disorder to be fixed.

Her anger welled up again as she thought about it, and she welcomed it, because anger was a lot easier to deal with than sadness or confusion. And she was mad. Really mad at London. Still mad at Orlando. A little mad at herself. And a little mad at Brooke for setting her up last night even though she knew her bestie was right.

She hadn’t had to scene with Orlando.