Page 25 of Draco

He kisses me again, and I feel him getting hard inside me and moan into his mouth. Pushing him off me, I turn to lie on my back. I whimper as I lose him and then sigh in happiness as he settles between my legs and thrusts gently back into me, his mouth never leaving mine. Wrapping my legs around his hips, I pull him tighter into my body, not bothering to remind him to get a condom because I think we both know it’s a waste of time. We come again. This time it’s soft and gentle, his eyes never leaving mine.

We spend most of the afternoon learning and loving each other until both our stomachs grumble, forcing us out of bed to find something to eat.

I finish preparing dinner, only stopping when soft kisses are placed on my neck, cheeks, and lips.

“Stop,” I scold Draco and hold up my hand as he comes in for another kiss. “We're never going to eat at this rate. Go find Navy. By the time you are back, supper will be done.”

“Fine,” Draco pouts, but he does as I ask and leaves to find Navy. With my distractions out of the way, I get the soup warming and the bread in the oven. My stomach rumbles as the house fills with the amazing scent of fresh baked bread.

It doesn’t take long before Draco and Navy come back through the backdoor, both of them exclaiming at the smell and hurrying to wash up so we can eat.

Life is good even with the Badger wanker being a pain in the arse. I’m happy and tonight I get to spend the rest of the evening with two of my favourite people.



Walking into Molly’s kitchen, I hang my raincoat up on the hook by the back door. Frowning when I realised the house was silent. I’d left Cairo and Navy with Molly, so I knew she was more than likely fine. That didn’t stop my gut from tightening at not finding her in the house where I expected her to be.

It’s been a couple of days and so far we’ve not heard anything from Badger Brewery. Rupert Badger was out of the country according to the information Skinny had dug up. That seemed to be his MO,he hires someone to hit the property he’s after, but not until he’s out of the country. That way, nothing was tied to him because he has an alibi. We got what we could from the guy we’d caught. He didn’t know much. He’d been found in a local pub and taken the money offered. He was nothing more than a pawn. We'd let him go with a warning and that it may be best if he left the area.

He’d run as fast as he could to get away from us. I didn’t think we’d be seeing him again.

Walking further into the house, I called up the stairs wondering if she was up there, “Molls, you here babe?”

Nothing. Deafening silence. Frowning, I pulled my phone from my pocket and dialled her phone, only to hear it ring from the kitchen table. Exasperated, I rolled my eyes as I pulled it from under a stack of clean washing that was piled on the table, ready to go upstairs.

I knew they weren’t at the brewery because I’d checked there before coming to the house. Pulling up Navy’s details, I called only to have it ring out again. Starting to worry, I tried Cairo’s number and thank fuck he answered on the second ring.

“VP, what do you need?”

“Where the fuck are you?” I barked out.

The little fucker chuckled at my tone, “Ah, VP, were you worried about little ole me and Navy. Because, man, you sure as fuck don’t need to be worried about your woman. She’s lethal.”

No shit, I knew that Molly may be small, but she was fierce.

“Cairo, stop fucking around or we’re going in the ring tomorrow. Now tell me where you and my woman are.”

“Relax, Draco, she’s good,” he had the gall to tell me. I swear when I get hold of him, he’s going down. “We're in the field that Molly wants to turn into a campsite. All the women and kids are here, and Navy has called Reaper. The rest of the guys are coming over with food. We have drinks already. Grab a four-wheeler and head on over.”

Ending the call without saying goodbye, I got on Molly’s four-wheeler and headed over to the field Cairo had said they were in. We’d just had two days of torrential rain and this afternoon was the first dry spell we’d had in a while. I grinned as the wheels of the four-wheeler I was on slid around in the mud. I’d forgotten how much fun it was to ride them after we’d had a lot of rain turning the backroads into a quagmire.

I heard the laughter, shouting, and revving engines before I saw them.What in the hell were they doing?

My grin grew wide when I had them in my sight and realised they were racing four wheelers, with sledges tied behind them. I parked near the rest of the bikes that were off to the side and walked up to the group that were shouting and cheering, my eyes scanning everyone for a mop of blonde hair. My heart started beating faster when I realised I couldn’t spot her anywhere. Stopping next to Abby, my head lifted at the sound of engines revving and my heart nearly stopped as I spotted my Firecracker on one of the sledges. I shouted out, but they were off, Molly screaming and laughing at Sam, who was driving, to go faster. I looked to see who she was racing and found my little sister being pulled behind Alec also laughing her head off.

My vision was wavering, and I was struggling to breathe as two of the most important women in my lives raced each other on fucking sledges.

Whose bright idea had this been?

I jerked slightly as a small hand gripped my wrist, and I turned my attention to Abby, seeing her mouth move but not hearing a word through the whooshing noise in my head.

The next thing I know, I’m sitting down with my head between my legs, gulping in deep breaths.

“It’s okay, Draco, they are fine. Take a breath, then stand and watch your brothers. They’ll not let anything happen to the girls,” Abby assures me as she pats me gently on the back. Taking a last deep breath of much needed oxygen until I feel myself calming down and my breathing evening out.

When I'm calm and I can hear again, I take note of the shouting and laughter. I’d had my moment, and now I needed to man the fuck up before Molly saw me losing my shit. I nod at Abby that I’m fine and stand, pulling her up with me from where she’d been crouched next to me.