Finished up with the loading, I lock everything up and make sure the alarm is set before we all walk back to the house.
“Do you guys want to come in for a drink or are you going to head home?” I asked.
“We're just going to check on the pigs and then we'll head home,” Blaze replied as we got to their vehicle.
“Okay,” I said with a nod, waiting as they got in to drive down to the barn where the pigs were kept. I waved goodbye as they pulled away.
I sighed a little as I watched them drive away down the road. I was feeling a little lonely tonight and wondered if it was time to get another dog, as my old girl had been put down last year.
I shivered a little as a light breeze blew across the fields. Before long, the nights would be drawing in, and it would be getting darker earlier. A dog would be nice company. When I shivered again, I headed inside.
‘That woman is going to drive me to drink,' I muttered to myself as I walked away from Molly.
She sure knew how to press every one of my buttons. I was only trying to help when she picked up a box and was trying to stack it on two boxes that were taller than her. To be fair, most things were taller than her.
She was pint-sized at only five feet, although personally I thought five feet was pushing it. Molly was stacked on top with breasts that seemed too heavy for her curvy frame. Her long blonde hair was usually worn up in a bun at the top of her head. I'm sure to make it look like she was taller than five feet.
I had to constantly restrain myself from taking her, bending her over my knee and smacking her luscious round behind for being so bloody stubborn.
My cock ached at the thought of getting my hands on her naked body. If she knew the thoughts that ran through my head every time she pushed me, she would probably run a bloody mile.
I grinned a little at the thought. When her brown eyes snapped and sparkled with fury every time I made her a little angry, it made me hot for her. Then the way she pursed those soft full, lush lips, oh man, all I could imagine was how it would feel having them wrapped around my rock-hard cock.
‘Although I’d probably have to have her kneel on a stool because she was so bloody short,’I thought with a chuckle.
I got on my bike and headed back to Crow Manor. Riding with a hard-on was not at all comfortable. Why the hell did I insist on pushing her buttons so much that she’d lose it, knowing it would make me hard?Grumbling at myself because I knew it would be awhile before I could spend some time in the shower to get rid of it.
With a sigh, I rode off, reciting the periodic table in the hopes my cock would subside before I got home and someone noticed.
Parking in the garage, I see that Reaper, Dragon, Onyx, and Rogue’s bikes were parked but none of the others. Checking my watch, I see that it’s nearly five in the afternoon. Pulling my phone out, I pressed a couple of buttons and connected to Blaze.
“Hey, Blaze,” I said when he answered.
“What's up Draco?” he asked.
“Hawk and Navy both have classes tonight. Can you and Cairo stop over at Molly's and give her a hand loading? But, for fuck’s sake, don't tell her it's me that asked you. You know how she'll get thinking I'm interfering.”
The two of them started chuckling, “Aren't you interfering though,” laughed Blaze.
“Too fucking right I am,” I replied. “Also, while you guys are there, can you check her orders? They seemed a bit light to me when I was there earlier today. And can you guys offer to go with her on deliveries tomorrow? I'll clear it with Reaper.”
“Do you think something is going on?” Cairo said, his tone was serious.
“I don't know,” I respond. “I just have a gut feeling that something feels off.”
“We got you, boss,” Blaze replied. “If you have a gut feeling, then we're not going to ignore it. We all know what happens when you ignore your gut.”
“Thanks, brothers,” I said before ending the call.
They were right, all of us had been in the military, and we all knew if your gut said something was up, then something was up.
Getting off my bike, I headed to the clubhouse as I knew that was most likely where they all were.‘I wasn't wrong’, I thought to myself as I opened the door and found my closest brothers and their women in the clubhouse.
Answering the round of greetings, I stopped by each of the ladies and pressed a kiss to their heads before heading to the bar and taking the beer that Dragon offered me.