Bren was setting up the reception desk with Bella and loading the appointment software onto the computer. We were leaving them to it.
For now, Hawk would do without a receptionist; he said he’d look around for one if it got busy.
I’d had an update from Navy that Molly was out back throwing knives at a tree to let off some steam. He’d make me laugh when he’d asked me if he should be worried.
I was relaxed because I knew she was safe at home. Not knowing what the pain in my arse had planned for the afternoon.
We’d just finished up and locked the last lock and we were standing on the pavement outside the shop admiring the signage.
It showed a hawk in flight and had Hawk’s name with the Crow MC business logo on it. We’d, in the recent months, made sure all our businesses had the logo added. That way, everyone knew which businesses were ours and under our protection.
In the background, I heard Reaper’s phone ring. I wasn’t paying much attention until he shouted out, “You have got to be shitting me? For fuck’s sake, what were they thinking, and you Navy, what the fuck were you thinking? Fine. Yes, we’ll bring Rea. Yeah okay, we're on our way.”
I’d turned to look at Reaper when he shouted out and my eyes were the first ones he found, and he was furious. Somehow, deep in my gut, I knew this had to do with Molly. I waited until he ended the call before asking, “What’s she done, Reap?”
He looked at me, opened his mouth to talk, closed it again and held up a finger, asking for a minute before turning and stomping off down the road. Stopping, he turned as if to come back to us before shaking his head and turning away again. He shoved his hand through his hair and threw his head back, his shoulders heaving as he breathed deeply and I could hear him counting.
Hawk, Dragon, and Bull gathered around me as we watched Reaper try to rein his temper in. “Wow,” Bella whispered softly from where she and Bren were standing on the step of the new shop. “I’ve not seen him this mad since Rogue took his bike without permission and crashed it when you guys were teenagers.”
None of us said a word until Reaper slowly made his way back to where we were standing. He didn't stop until he was right in front of me.
“Your woman is certifiable, brother, fucking crazy, and she dragged not only my sister and Noni with her, but also your dad, Navy, and Cairo. How the fuck does she get them to do this crazy shit? Do you have any idea where they are?” Reaper barks, his voice heavy with exasperation.
I put my hand on his chest and gently pushed him away from me. I get he’s pissed off, but getting in my face when I don’t know what the hell is going on will only end with both of us losing our tempers. And as it seems it’s my woman that’s the cause of his high blood pressure, I need to keep my temper.
“When I last spoke to Navy they were on the farm, and she was throwing knives at trees. So, why don’t you calm down and tell us what’s happened so we can make a plan if a plan is needed? I know Molly and yes, she’s a little crazy, but she’s not stupid and she would never put the girls in danger. Which is probably why Dog, Navy, and Cairo are with them. Are you calm enough to talk, or do I need to call Navy?” I ask Reaper.
Reaper shakes his head that no, I don’t need to call Navy. Taking a deep breath, he fills us in on what the girls, my dad, Navy, and Cairo have been up to this afternoon.
“Seems the women thought we were taking too long, and they were pissed that Skinny was hurt. They also didn’t like the idea of us breaking into Badger Brewery and maybe being caught and going to prison.”
Dragon snorts at the last comment, “They do know what we did in the military, right. Sneaking is basically our middle name.”
I catch movement from the corner of my eye and my eyes meet Bella’s, who is looking guilty as fuck. My eyes swing to Bren’s, who looks just as guilty.
“Bells, tell me you didn’t know what was going on?”
When Bella stays silent, I move my attention to Bren, but Bella throws her arm around her and pulls her in tight to her side. Her eyes a similar gold to mine flashing as she glares at me with anger, “Don’t you try and bully Bren, Liam ‘Draco’ Davies. All of us women knew, and we planned it together. Why do you think Bren and I are here today? Our job was to stall you if you decided to go home before Molly and them were done. I’m guessing by the phone call that Reaper has just received, they either have the information you needed or they have Rupert Badger tied up and hurting. So, I suggest you all hurry on up and go and do whatever they need you to do. They aren’t stupid, they took protection. We have been in constant contact with them all afternoon and if an alarm needed raising, we would have raised it. But obviously it hasn’t. Plus, Daddy would never let anything happen to any of the girls and you all know that. If you go, Bren and I are going to the café and Mum will take us home. We’ll see you there later.” With that, the girls head off back down the street towards our café.
“Well, they certainly told us,” Hawk muttered while getting on his bike before asking, “Where to, Pres?”
Reaper looks at Onyx, “Can you go and get Rea and bring her with you? The rest of us will get a head start and meet you there. You know the address. Navy says we don’t need to rush or worry, no-one from our side is hurt but it seems Molly has stabbed one of the turds,” he snickers a little at that before looking at me with a glint of humour in his eyes now that he’s calmed down. “Your woman loves her knives, brother.”
“That she does,” I agree. My heart is slowing down now that I know there isn’t any immediate danger. I get on my bike and inform Reaper, “I’ll come with Onyx and Rea. I’m leaving my bike here as Molly can’t ride now she’s pregnant.”
“Okay, brother. See you there.”
Starting my bike, I follow Onyx back to Crow Manor to pick up Rea.
It’s a long hour later that I walk into the office in a house not much different to ours. It’s completely deserted other than us Crows. I find out that Avy had managed to get all the guests to leave citing a family emergency for Rupert and had the catering staff clear everything up and leave before we’d even arrived. Avy was nothing if not organised.
My heart returns to its normal beat as my gaze settles on the blonde firecracker looking none the worse for wear and pretty as a picture in a black and white cocktail dress, in her black boots that I know hold knives.
I can’t help my next words as Molly turns as soon as I walk in and her blinding smile settles everything in me. “For fuck’s sake, Firecracker, you are going to drive me to drink.”
She doesn’t resist as I pick her up in my arms and walk out with her, my lips fused to hers.
All is right in my world as soon as I see she is unharmed and back in my arms.