Page 35 of Draco

And the beautiful words from the love of my life, “For fuck’s sake, Firecracker, you are going to drive me to drink.”

I squeal as Draco pulls me to him and lifts me up. I wrap my legs around his waist and fuse my mouth to his as we walk away and let the rest of the Crows deal with Rupert and Elliot.

Pulling my mouth away from Draco’s, I yawn loud and big, grinning at his muttered, “Charming.”

“Tired,” I mumble sleepily into Draco’s neck.

“Don’t think you being tired is going to save you from a spanking, Firecracker, I was worried sick.”

Snuggling closer, “I was safe,” I assured him. “I had lots of backup, including your dad. And just to say, your dad is hot for an older dude, and you look just like him, so I’m a lucky lady if that’s what I have to look forward to.”

Draco grunts and grumbles, “For fuck’s sake, Molls, I don’t need to know that you think my dad’s hot.”

I lift my head from Draco’s shoulder to find we are outside near where we’d parked the Land Rover earlier when Rea agrees with a snicker, “Well, Molly’s not wrong. Dog IS hot.”

Draco plunks me down on the back seat of the Land Rover and starts running his hands over me, making me roll my eyes. I let him get on with it, knowing he won’t stop worrying until he’s comfortable that I’m fine.

“What are you doing here?” I ask Rea conversationally over Draco’s shoulder. She’s leaning against her vehicle, which is parked opposite us, snug under Onyx’s arm. He’s watching his brother with an amused look on his face.

“My brother-in-law is a worry wort who didn’t believe his dad when he assured him you were fine, so I’m here to check you out. How are you feeling? Any unusual pains, where you hit in the stomach? Do you want to go to the hospital to be checked out?” Rea lifts an eyebrow in enquiry.

I grab Draco’s hands as they start running up my legs and I know he’ll freak when he gets to my knives. “Babe,” I snapped a little testily. I cup his face in my hands and bring his eyes up to mine. “I’m fine, okay. I’m fine.” Wrapping my arms around his shoulders, I pull him close and hold on tight. His breath hitches slightly and I realise how much I’ve worried him making me feel like shit.

Over his shoulder, Rea and Onyx are standing waiting for my answer. “No unusual pains, I wasn’t touched and no, I don’t need a hospital. I’m knackered though and could sleep for a week.”

“That’s the adrenalin. Now that you are calm, you’ll feel tired. Let’s check what’s happening and then I can drive you home.”

I watched them leave, before whispering in Draco’s ear and pressing kisses to the side of his head in comfort, “I’m sorry you were worried. I’m sorry. I love you.”

Draco releases me enough to look into my eyes, “Don’t ever put yourself in danger like that again, Molly. My heart won’t take it if something were to happen to you or our baby.”

“Okay,” I say, pressing my lips to his. “I get it, I’m sorry.”

Over his shoulder, Rea and Onyx were sauntering back, their arms wrapped around each other.

“Let's get you two home,” Onyx declares, stopping next to us. Draco pulls me from the car and steps back for me to slide down his body until my feet touch the floor.

“By the way, Molls, nice knife work. I see why Draco likes to keep on your good side,” Onyx snickers.

“Yeah, yeah,” I mutter on a yawn, climbing into Rea’s car. “I hope they remember to give me back my knife.”

“You mean this one,” Onyx says, showing me the knife in his hand. “Don’t worry, it’s been washed and bleached.”

“Thanks, you’re my favourite brother-in-law,” I mumble tiredly as I inspect it before lifting my skirt and sheathing it.

“Jesus Christ,” Draco mutters and Onyx laughs. Rea’s amused eyes meet mine in the rearview mirror. I just shrug and snuggle against Draco’s chest.

I don’t know what the problem was. It was one of my favourite knives, and I would have been upset if it had been left behind. I owe Onyx a hug for being such a great brother-in-law.

I’m asleep before we hit the main road. My job is done, the Crow brotherhood will take care of the rest and I’m happy knowing my family is safe.



It was late afternoon and most of us were helping Hawk finalise the tattoo parlour he was going to open. Today we were putting the last of the furniture together and hanging up drawings on the walls.

Hawk was looking to open on Monday. It was looking good, and he already had a few appointments on the books.