Page 32 of Draco

Avy slipped silently out of the door while I keep watch. About five minutes later my phone vibrates in my bag. Taking it out, I see Avy’s name and answer, “Avy.”

“I found his office. It’s three doors down on the right.I’m in place. Let me know if they don’t come this way, I’ll stay on the line.”

“Will do,” I reply, dropping the hand holding my phone so it’s hidden in the folds of my skirt.

Ten minutes later, Noni makes her move and I finally get my first clear look at the man that’s terrorised so many. I find myself disappointed. Where I expected someone large and dark and exuding evil, all I see is a man dressed in a cream suit with matching waistcoat worn with a purple shirt and brown slip-on loafers. Rupert Badger is just under six foot with wishy-washy blond hair that is slightly receding, and while his shoulders are broad and at one time he may have kept himself trim, I now see the beginnings of a small paunch. My nose wrinkles in disgust but Noni does her part well and is fawning all over him, making me glad she got to him before I did because I don’t think I’d have been able to stop myself from puking all over him.

Noni catches my eye as they leave through the door I’m currently hiding behind. Putting my phone to my ear, I whisper, “They’ve just left, I’m following.”

Not waiting for Avy to reply, I slip around the door and treading softly as I follow the couple. Although Rupert is so enamoured by Noni that he isn’t paying attention to anything else.Arrogant Fuck!

Stopping outside what I now know is the office, he proceeds to eat Noni’s face then kissing and sucking his way to her neck Noni rolls her eyes in my direction when she sees me standing in the passageway. My stomach rolls with nausea and I roll my eyes back at her as she says, “Oh baby, you make me so hot. Hurry, find us somewhere private so I can show you how much.”

I point to the door she’s standing in front of and nod my head when she catches on just as Rupert's hand glides under her dress dangerously close to her gun.

Hurriedly, Noni opens the door and pushes Rupert into the room behind him. I stifle a giggle at the surprise on his face. “Here baby, this looks private. What would you like? Would you like me to suck your cock?” Noni croons huskily.God, she’s good,I think as I get closer to the door.

I hear the sound of a zipper being pulled down and then an oomph. I slip through the door to see Noni has pushed a salivating Rupert into a chair. His trousers are down around his ankles and there is a tent in his underwear.


His eyes lock on mine as I walk through the door. “Who are you?” he wants to know. Not showing an ounce of worry, in fact, his eyes widened in excitement.

Noni looks at me over her shoulder. “That’s my sister,” she informs him. “I thought a man like you would like to have my sisters join me. There’s one more, she’ll be here soon.” Noni assures him.

“She’s already here,” Avy turns on the light in the corner where she’s been sitting waiting. Looking the epitome of a lady, her legs crossed, her heel swinging slightly as she looked on with interest at Rupert sitting in the chair. Her eyes rise to Noni’s, “Is this who we get to play with tonight?” she inquires with interest.

“Yeah,” Noni answers with an evil, little smirk.

“Who is he?” Avy questions.

Turning back to the man in the chair who, until this moment, hasn’t said anything other than to ask who we are. He didn’t seem to be at all concerned that there were three strange women in his office. Noni runs her finger down his face and around his lips before tilting his head up and softly asks, “Do you want to tell my sister who you are, baby?”

Tearing his eyes from Noni, he looks at Avy, “Rupert Badger, now are we going to fuck or talk? Because if we’re not going to fuck, I have guests I need to get back to,” he answers, his hand on his cock squeezing it.

“Oh, don’t worry,” I tell him as I saunter closer to where he and Noni are, going behind his chair I tilt his head back so I can look into his eyes, “we're going to be doing something. Whether or not you are going to like it is another thing.”

The first signs of panic show in his eyes, and as he opens his mouth to call out, I take the pocket hankie he has tucked in his suit and stuff it in his mouth. Noni has pulled cable ties out of her bag and while his attention was on me, she’d tied his one hand to the chair. With one hand free, he managed to grab hold of Noni’s hair and pulls hard on it, trying to stop her from tying his other hand down.

“Huhuh,” I said softly in his ear as I pressed my knife hard to his throat until a small dribble of blood dripped down onto his shirt. The small sting was enough to make him stop fighting. “Let my sister go,” I tell him. “If you don’t, I’ll just slit your throat now and be done with it.” He slowly removed his hand from Noni’s head and she grabs his hand and slams it onto the chair arm before tying it down.

“Good lad,” I praised him, patting him condescendingly on the head before moving to stand in front of him, with Noni and Avy on either side of me.

We turn as one as the office door opens, Noni and Avy with small pistols pointed at the person entering and me with a knife raised, ready to throw.

We all relax as Dog enters with his hands raised in surrender. “Girls,” he rumbles as he locks the door so no-one else can enter, “Is this the cock womble?”

“Yep,” I replied, before continuing. “We’re just about to get started with our little chat, so make yourself comfortable.”

Dog leans up against the door, his booted foot against the door and his arms crossed over his chest.

“I’m comfortable, you girls carry on.”

Turning back to Rupert, I inform him, “I’m going to take the gag out so we can talk but be warned that if you shout out or scream, I’m sending this blade right through your heart. You’ll be dead and we’ll be gone before anyone finds you. We’ve done our research and we know you have no cameras monitoring your house. You only monitor the brewery and the gates. And for now, your cameras on the gates are down so nobody has been seen coming and going since we arrived. Not got great security, have you, considering all the people you’ve pissed off. Pretty arrogant of you, really.”

My hand on the corner of the handkerchief I’ve stuffed in his mouth, I look him in the eye, “It’s your choice, we can talk or a knife through the heart. Nod if you want to talk.”

He nods frantically, and I pull the handkerchief from his mouth.