Page 28 of Draco

“Looks that way. I better go and pick up a pregnancy test tomorrow.”

Noni grabs my hands before I can grab the next bag of sweets, “Molly, are you okay with being pregnant? You seem a little down,” she asks, her eyes wide with concern.

I smiled at her, “I’m fine Noni, I was kind of expecting it. Would I have liked to have waited a bit longer?” I shrug and continue, “Sure I would have, but only because I'm selfish and want Draco to myself for a bit longer.”

“You know you aren’t alone in this, don’t you?” Avy says, stuffing another bag. “You probably won’t get to see much of the kid if Aunt Maggie and Mum have anything to say about it. Rea and Onyx have to fight to have Mila. I think she sleeps more in Aunt Maggie and Dog’s wing than she does in her own bed.”

“I know, I’m being a wimp and it’s not like me,” I sit up straight and shove my last chocolate in my mouth and make a conscious effort to stop and shake off the melancholy feeling I’ve had since yesterday.I know if I’m pregnant, I have nothing to worry about. This little bean will have more than enough Aunties and Uncles if anything were ever to happen to Draco and me.

An hour later we’re nearly done with the bags when the kitchen door opens, allowing the freezing evening air in and Hawk, Navy, and Draco walk in. Hawk makes a beeline for Avy, making her squeal when he rubs his cold cheek into her neck before picking her up and depositing her back in his lap.

I grin as I watch them. They’re both so quiet that I often forget they’re a couple. Hawk had moved into Avy’s wing last month. I didn’t know Hawk very well as I’d not spent much time with him, but as he and Navy were best friends he’d been stopping in more often. I liked what I did know of him, and he wasn’t hard to look at either.

I tilted my head back as Draco walked behind my chair. He bent and pressed a kiss to my forehead. “You okay, Firecracker?”

“All good, babe,” I smiled up at him.

He pressed another kiss to my forehead before going to the fridge and grabbing three beers, which he handed out to Navy and Hawk. Without being asked, he filled up Noni and Avy’s glasses and then brought me a fresh glass of orange juice. Before dropping into the chair next to me with a sigh, his hand firm on my thigh.

It didn’t take long before we were done packing the bags of treats and my stomach was rumbling with hunger. Chocolate was delicious but not filling.

Standing, I grabbed the loaf of bread I’d baked this morning and dumped it on the table with a board and knife. Going to the fridge, I pulled out ham, cheese, tomatoes, chutney and piccalilli.

“Spit and catch it tonight folks,” I inform them as I put it all on the table.

Draco added the plates, knives and forks he’d grabbed when he’d seen me head to the fridge.

Hawk chuckled, “I’ve not heard spit and catch it before. My mum used to say pigs balls on toast when we’d ask what was for tea.”

That cracked us up until Navy said, “At least that’s better than being told supper was shit with sugar on it.”

“Ew,” Noni says, looking disgusted. “That’s just gross.”

It was gross. I smiled when Draco put a readymade sandwich on my plate before pressing a kiss to my temple. My heart was happy. My table was full of laughing family members as we discussed the worst sayings we’d heard. So far Navy was winning.

If I was growing a little Draco, there is no way this baby would ever be as lonely as I’d been. This baby had family coming out of its ears.



Halloween had arrived and with it the trunk and treat that the Crow ladies had organised. The field was filled with cars, their trunks full of sweets, kids were running wild and waving sparklers.

The jumping castle was a hit with the younger set and the haunted house a hit with the teenagers.

I grinned as I watched Bond pulling two teenagers out of the house. They weren’t the first young couple we’d caught in there this evening. It seemed being scared out of their minds made teenagers horny.

I scanned over the field looking for my Firecracker and found her and Noni packing up the car. They’d been one of the first tables to run out of sweets. I headed over at a fast clip when they started to dismantle the table. I rolled my eyes and huffed a little. The little shit knew she wasn’t to lift anything heavy. I’d finally got her to do a pregnancy test yesterday, and I was stoked when we watched those two lines appear. Not that there was any doubt they would.

I was thrilled and wasted no time in shouting our news to the world even if it was a little early. Molly, on the other hand, could be heard cursing me and threatening to de-nut me to anyone who would listen. I wondered if we would have a little girl that was feisty like her mum or a boy like me, a little bit of a daredevil. I was hoping for a girl. I knew Molly wasn’t really angry with me. I’d caught her looking at herself in the mirror last night to see if there were any changes and holding up a pregnancy book while doing it to check the size of our baby which was still tiny, only about the size of a sweetpea.

I grinned, thinking about her cute pout when I’d caught her and she’d glared at me. Her pout turned to a smile when I walked up behind her and cupped her belly in my big hands, almost eclipsing it as she wasn’t yet sporting a bump for us to see. I knew her body had changed because I’d made it my mission to know every piece of her intimately. I could have told her that I’d noticed the changes a few weeks ago. Breasts that were more sensitive to touch. Plus, she’d complained while cooking bacon the last couple of times that it smelled like it was going off and ended up chucking it all away. I thought Navy was going to cry as we watched her throw it all away. My arm still hurt from where he’d punched me.

“Fucker, now I have to do without bacon because you can’t remember to wrap it up,” he whispered angrily.

I snickered but said nothing as Molly turned and looked at us suspiciously. Wondering what we were arguing about.

But that was this morning and now she was doing shit she had no business doing. I moved my arse to get to her.