Page 23 of Draco

I didn’t realise how tense I'd been until we pulled into the garage at the Manor and Molly was waiting for me. My entire body relaxed as she grinned at me from where she was standing between Reaper and Navy.

Switching off my bike, I removed my helmet and hurriedly dismounted. Grabbing my overnight bag from the saddlebags, I walked over to where they were standing waiting.

“Hear you had some excitement last night, Firecracker.”

“Yep,” she agreed, grinning. “I nailed him right in the balls. It was awesome!”

I chuckled as I dropped my bag on the floor and reached for her. Molly didn’t hesitate. She climbed up my body, wrapping arms and legs around me, and sealing her lips to mine.

I sighed as my body relaxed at having her in my arms.

Breaking our kiss, I looked over her shoulder at Navy, “Thanks, brother.”

He nodded before responding, “Anytime.” With that, he turned and left, greeting Dragon and Cairo as they wandered back to the house.

“Come on, your mum has lunch ready and then you get to go and play with the toerag,” Molly said as she slid down my body, making me grunt when she patted my hard cock gently and then making me laugh when she bent and spoke to my dick after patting it, “Later. Food first.”

With that parting shot, she stood back up, grinned at me and walked away with a bounce in her step towards the back door of the Manor.

I heard muffled laughter behind me and turned to see Onyx and Rogue walking towards me from the clubhouse, amusement clear in their eyes.

“Did Molly just tell your dick later?” Rogue snorted with laughter.

I shook my head. Nothing that woman did surprised me anymore. She was in a league of her own.

My shoulders shook, and I finally gave up and joined in with their laughter.

Wiping the tears from my eyes, I picked up my bag as we walked to the house.

“I’m so fucked,” I said, still laughing.

“Yeah, brother you are. She’s fucking hilarious and is going to keep you on your toes,” Onyx agreed.



I’m fuming!

Badger Brewery has met their match and Rupert Badger better hope he never comes near me.

Earlier today, Reaper called Church and we all dutifully filed in. As it was my first time, I looked around with interest, admiring the gorgeous table and chairs that I knew Sam had made from scratch.

Draco pushed me into a chair near the head of the table and sat down next to me. Abby sat opposite.

Hitting the table with a gavel, Reaper called for attention.

“Let’s get this shitshow started, shall we? Draco, what did you guys find out?”

“All the information Skinny found is correct. Badger starts off small, and when that doesn’t get a reaction, he then ups the intimidation tactics until the owners of the properties have no other option but to sell to him because they have gone broke. Interestingly, it’s not just breweries, he’s also hit small holdings and some farms. When you don’t bow to his demands, he goes further, as the White’s found out when he set fire to their property. Unfortunately, there was no solid proof, but White says in his soul he knows it was Badger.”

When Draco pauses, Avy asks. “But why, what are his reasons?”

Continuing, Draco replies, “He’s in bed with a pretty shady property developer. They buy the land cheap and build a bunch of houses that they sell for a massive profit. They don’t care who they hurt to get what they want. White’s daughter is still in the hospital undergoing treatment for the burns that she sustained in the fire in their home. They’ve worn out their welcome in Kent, seems someone in their local council got curious and started asking questions. It looks like they decided that it would be best to get out and move further afield. I’m guessing they are trying the same MO here as it worked once.”

“Maybe so,” I muttered. “But they didn’t have all of us going against them. I really hope he tries again. Navy was ready last night and we’ll be ready again. He hasn’t done his homework if he thinks he’s going to find it so easy this time.”

“For sure,” Avy nods in agreement. “I’m sure I’ll be getting a visit sooner or later. We’ll be ready.”