“What do you need me to check?”
“He was messing with the pipes at the back of the brewery when I found him and subdued him. But when we came around this way, we found that the brewery door was open and I’m not sure what he’s done in here. It all looks undisturbed, but you would know better than me,” Bond replied.
I kicked the arsehole’s thigh, making him look at me. “What were you doing in the brewery?” I demanded.
He made a gurgling noise behind his gag. Bond sniggered before bending and pulling it from his mouth.
“I didn’t get time to do much before they found me and tied me up,” the arsehole answered shakily.
I looked up and caught Bond’s eyes just as Navy came back from behind the brewery with what looked like a pipe wrench in his hand. He threw it down near arsehole’s head, narrowly missing beaning him. I held back my grin at the look on our captive’s face.
“Looked like he was trying to sabotage the water supply into the brewery,” Navy announced as he stopped next to me. “Have you been inside yet?”
Shaking my head, I answered, “Not yet. I wanted to see if I could figure out what he was doing first.”
“Maybe this will help. I pulled it out of his pocket when I was doing a pat down,” Bond said, handing me a bag.
Opening it up to have a look, I was confused by the plants I found in the bag. I lifted my confused gaze to Navy and Bond, holding out the bag for Navy to take when he said, “Let me have a look, Molls.”
Navy took one glance and grimaced, “Datura Stramonium, the common name is Jimsonweed and it’s toxic.”
I growled and kicked at the arsehole again, making him groan and gag in pain when I hit his balls, “What were you going to do with it?”
There were sympathetic inhales from the two men standing with me, but they didn’t say anything, just grimaced in sympathy.
“Look,” he gasped, “this guy came into my local pub and said he’d pay five hundred for someone to come here and sabotage the brewery. I don’t know him, but I can point him out if you need me to.”
“What were you going to do with the Jimsonweed?” I asked curiously.
“He told me to put it in the brew, but you have sealed fermentation tanks, and that’s where he told me to put it and to tamper with your water supply, if possible.”
“Why not add it to the cold water?” Bond asked curiously.
“It wouldn’t survive being boiled at one hundred degrees,” I answered.
“Ah, okay,” Bond replies.
I nudged the arsehole with my foot again, “What are we going to do with him?”
“Reaper has told me to bring him to the abattoir for now until Draco gets home,” Bond answered as he bent, adjusted the gag back over the toerag’s mouth and pulled him to his feet. I could hear a vehicle approaching and wondered which of the brothers was arriving. I was surprised when Reaper, Onyx, and Rogue got out of the vehicle. I may have sighed a little as the three of them sauntered over with a loose hipped swagger. My girls were lucky bitches.
I tilted my head up to look at Navy when I heard him snicker. “What?”
He grinned down at me and ruffled my hair, “I’m not sure Draco would be happy with you eyeing his brothers like that.”
I shrugged, “Eh, he’s the one in my bed and if he was in that pack of man meat making their way over here, I’d be doing more than looking.”
I turned my attention back to the men who stopped in front of me, all of them grinning widely having heard my comment.
Reaper just shook his head, “Jesus, Draco’s going to have his hands full.”
“He knew what he was getting when he moved in with me,” I told them.
“Seriously, Molly, are you okay?” Reaper asked with concern.
I frowned, a little puzzled by their concern. They all were with strong women. Did they expect me to be falling apart or something?
“Of course I am. Navy and Bond were on the case, and they let me kick the toerag in the balls.”