Page 2 of Draco

Automatically, my hand went up to my ear. I pulled my hand away to look at it and it came away with a little blood. I couldn't believe it. The little shit had thrown a knife at me.

“You threw a knife at me,” I said incredulously, still not believing it.

“I restrained myself,” Molly assured me. “I don’t want to permanently maim you.”

“I don’t think stabbing me is the way to go,” I said placatingly.

The little shit just shrugged and took the knife my aunt handed her. I gaped at my aunt in shock. “What the hell, Aunt Kate?”

Aunt Kate just shrugged and grinned at me, “You deserve it for being an arse. Molly, dear, don’t do any permanent damage. We need him to help get rid of the ACES.”

Molly looked thoughtful as she tapped her knife against her lips as she perused me, “What do you think, Grandad?”

Old man Jensen gave a little laugh that turned into a hacking cough. Once he was back in control, he replied with a wheeze, “The fella is a bit daft, lass, but he doesn’t need to die. My guess is he isn’t thinking straight.”

I looked at the old man to see his eyes twinkling with humour. Yeah, he knew exactly which head I’d been thinking with.

Old man Jensen continued, “But, Molly, lass, you do what you need to do.”

“Okay, Grandad,” Molly said agreeably.

My eyes widened in horror as she pulled her arm back to throw the knife she was holding. I hightailed it out the back door, closing it with a bang behind me just as I heard a thunk of the knife hitting the door.

“That last one was unnecessary,” I shouted through the door.

“Was it though?” she returned. “And for your information, Liam Davies, I’m twenty-five and I run my own business. I am not some bimbo that needs a strong man to help me.”

There was another thump of a knife hitting the door. My cock twitched again when I heard her age, still an age gap but not a huge one. I could work with this.Life just got very interesting. With a huge shit-eating smirk on my face at the thought of the knife wielding pixie with the flashing brown eyes, I headed back to our car to wait for my aunt to join me.

That wasn’t the last time I annoyed my Firecracker. Although sometimes I pissed her off without meaning to, like the time I insulted her beer, not realising that brewing was her business, but other times I pushed her because I loved watching her brown eyes flash at me with irritation and sometimes frustration. I was a sick man because it made me hard every time she pushed back, her brown eyes flashing fire at me.

There were times that I thought she knew what she did to me and that she felt the same way, but then she’d retreat, and I’d be left wondering if I’d imagined her attraction to me.

We’d called a truce when her granddad had passed away. By then, the property sale had gone through so our prospects and some of the MC spent a lot of time on the farm.

I’d done what I could to make her life easier without her realising it and when she’d started sinking in her grief over the loss of her granddad, I’d made it my purpose in life to annoy her as much as possible to get her out of her head.

It worked. I’d rather have her feisty and being a smartass than drowning in grief.

By the end of July, she was almost back to her usual snarky self, and I breathed a sigh of relief.

I just had to figure out a way to get her in my bed and on the back of my bike. Once I had that, then life would be better than good.

I also needed to hide her knives. The woman was too quick with them.


APRIL 2003


My first thought as the deliciously sexy looking man walked towards our door with his aunt was, ‘Holy hotness, this guy is gorgeous, and I’d like to climb him like a tree.’

Then when he got closer, and I saw his eyes that were the colour of the brightest gold, I would happily have done whatever he asked then.

I managed to get them in the house, and we proceeded with the sale of the farm. I was feeling a little sad at all the changes, but that soon passed when the idiot at the table opened his big mouth.

I couldn’t believe the words that came out of his mouth, and I may have lost my temper just a little bit. But at the time, he’d deserved it. I’d always been good at throwing knives. My grandad had taught me when he’d found me one day unleashing my temper by throwing a knife at a tree after I’d had a particularly bad day at school. He’d said he’d rather I learnt how to do it properly, so I didn’t hurt myself. For me, I found that it was a satisfying way to release pent up anger.