Page 15 of Draco

With a nod, I turned and followed him across the gym, smiling in pride as I took a look around and saw that even at this early hour of the morning, the gym was full. It had been a good investment.

Sitting on the visitor’s chair, I waited for Reaper to settle before filling him in on what Skinny had found so far.

“Skinny hasn’t found much out other than the little fucker had to leave Kent in a hurry. Not sure as to why as most of the people we’ve found seem reluctant to talk. Skinny has managed to find one guy willing to talk, but the downside is that he wants us to come to him. He’s willing to meet us more or less halfway in Staines. I’ve booked us into a hotel there for the meeting tomorrow mid-morning.”

Reaper sat back in his chair, his hands steepled in front of his face in a contemplative pose.

“And how does Molly feel about this?” Reaper questioned curiously, his eyebrow cocked.

“Ah, fuck,” I grimace, rubbing my hand across my eyes with a groan. “I forgot to tell her,” I muttered sheepishly.

Reaper let out a bark of amused laughter, “You forgot to tell her you were going to Kent to find out more about her issue.”

“Hey, you didn’t see her last night when I got home. Fuck, Reaper, she blew my mind, and I forgot to tell her,” I blustered in defence.

Reaper, still snickering, looked at me with amusement clear on his face. Pushing his chair back, he rested his hands on the desk, smirking at me.Standing up, he walked to the door to leave the room, saying over his shoulder, “You’d best get back home and let your woman know you’ll be away for a few days. Let me know when you know who is going with you,” he reminded me.

Swearing low under my breath, I hurriedly showered, got dressed and headed back to Molly. Checking the time, I smiled when I saw I may just make it back before her alarm went off. Which meant she was still naked in bed. Oh, yeah. My morning was looking up.



With a groan, I reached out a hand and slapped at my alarm until I found the off button as it went off with a loud blare. Silencing the blasted thing, I promptly rolled over and buried my face into Draco’s pillow, inhaling his scent and snuggling back down, another five minutes was all I needed.

My body was sore in all the right places after our second time in the shower, then our third in the early hours of this morning. I needed a little extra sleep. Damn the man, he was a machine. Wasn't there supposed to be some recovery time? I think he missed that memo.

“Now that’s a beautiful sight. My woman, naked in our bed,” growled Draco from the doorway. I whimpered a little into the pillow when I heard his voice, my spirit was willing, but my body was not ready for another round.

I opened one eye as I felt the bed compress as Draco sat on the side closest to where my head was resting. With one of his hands, he pushed my hair back from my face and cupped my cheek, his eyes soft with concern.

“Are you sore, babe?”

Giving him a smile, I lifted my hand and rubbed my thumb against his lower lip before letting my hand drop back down to the bed.

“A little. You’re a big guy and I haven’t been with anyone for a long time.”

He frowned at me, “You should have said something. I don’t want you to be hurting.”

I gave a little chuckle, “Draco, do you hear me complaining? It’s nothing a hot bath and Epsom salts won’t cure.”

He still didn’t look happy but nodded, “Okay, stay here. I’ll get a bath sorted and let you know when it’s ready. Then we need to have a chat. I have some news.”

I sat up hurriedly, forgetting that I was naked until Draco’s eyes dilated as they fell to my bare chest. Grabbing the sheet, I quickly pulled it up over my breasts, hiding them from his sight.

Snapping my fingers in front of his face until he grabbed hold of them, I asked, “Hey babe, my eyes are up here. What news?”

Draco growled and nipped at my fingers that he still held before letting them go. He answered my question as he got up off the bed, “Bath first, then I'll fill you in.”

I flopped back down on the bed in frustration as he left the room. Soon I heard the sound of the bath being run. Getting up, I picked up Draco’s shirt from where we’d tossed it on the floor last night and slipped it on. Gathering my long hair up into a bun, I started for the bathroom, looking forward to the hot water on my sore muscles. I’d just turned back to straighten the bed up when I squealed in fright as I was lifted up and over a hard shoulder.

“What the hell, Draco?!” I shouted and smacked his biteable arse hard as he walked me out of the bedroom.

I was rewarded with a return smack on my arse, making me whimper slightly, then sigh as his hand rubbed across the spot. “You bending over the bed was too tempting, Firecracker. I had to get you out of the bedroom,” Draco said as he deposited me on the bathroom floor.

I couldn’t help laughing at the disgruntled expression on his face.

“Bath, breakfast, then I’ll fill you in,” he ordered before turning on his heel and hurriedly leaving the bathroom.