Page 14 of Draco



I couldn’t believe my eyes when I looked up after opening the door to see Molly waiting for me looking seductive and inviting in one of my dress shirts, her hair tousled and her lips pouting in a look that I had fast come to realise in the two weeks I’d lived with her was herfuck melook.

The last couple of weeks had been a test of patience for me, but I’d been determined to wear her down, and from the sounds coming from her bedroom at night, I knew I’d been making headway. I’d spent the last two weeks getting re-acquainted with my palm and hoping that she would crack soon.

I’d all but forgotten that my brothers were behind me as soon as I’d seen her. And when she’d launched herself at me and laid a hot and heavy kiss on my lips, all thought of them had left my mind. It was only when I’d heard them chuckling that I’d remembered them. And when Molly had gone for the knife I kept strapped to my belt, my dick got so hard I could’ve pounded nails. There was something about her getting feisty that called to me and made me want to fuck her into the next century.

‘Jesus, my woman is hot,’I thought to myself as I took the knife from her hand and placed it on the shelf next to the door, before she could throw it.

Sending my brothers on their way, I turned back to Molly as soon as I heard the door close and once I’d had Molly understanding that this was it, there would be no turning back once she gave herself to me. Only then did I head upstairs to make my Firecracker explode and become mine.

Waking up the next morning to my alarm going off to meet everyone for our usual morning workout. Switching the alarm off, I rolled over to look at the beauty asleep in the bed next to me, and for the first time in a long time, I was reluctant to leave my bed. No wonder Reaper, Rogue, and Onyx were always the last out in the mornings.

Pressing a gentle kiss to Molly’s cheek, I watched as her eyes flickered behind her lids and her nose wrinkled up. Her lashes fluttered, and then her eyes opened. She scowled at me and grumbled, “It’s too early, Draco.”

Smiling, I pressed a kiss to the corner of her mouth, “Sorry, Firecracker, I didn’t want to leave without letting you know I’m heading to the gym.”

Waving a hand at me, she turned her head and muttered sleepily into her pillow, “Fine, go away. I need to sleep; you wore me out.”

I chuckled as she let out a little snore and knew she would be out until her alarm went off at seven.

Getting up and out of bed, I quickly showered and headed downstairs to my bike, making sure to lock up when I left. While we hadn’t found much on Rupert Badger, what we had found on him hadn’t made me happy. Which is what I was going to tell Molly last night until she’d derailed me with her sexy body and hot mouth.

Starting my bike, I headed to Crow Manor to meet up with my brothers. I shook my head at the grins on their faces when I was the last to arrive and knew I’d be in for a hard time this morning. Payback for my smart mouth and all the times I’d given Reaper, Rogue, and Onyx a hard time about their women.

Rogue was grinning from ear to ear as I pulled up. Switching my bike off, I took off my helmet and motioned in a give it to me gesture to the three of them, exclaiming, “Come on, give it to me. Let me have it. Get it off your chests.”

Rogue was first up with a gloating, “Running a little late this morning, brother?”

“Yeah, Draco, not able to get out of bed this morning? Was something better keeping you there? Your brothers are hurt, man, hurt, that you don’t want to spend time with us,” Onyx snickered, his black eyes glinting with humour.

‘Fuck you,’I mouthed at him. There was a round of laughter from my brothers.

With a sigh, I turned to my oldest and best friend, also my President. “And you, it’s your turn. Let me have it,” I prompted him, waiting expectantly.

Reaper slapped a hand on my shoulder and got on his bike, “Nothing from me, brother. Happy for you.”

My mouth dropped open. This wasn’t what I’d been expecting at all. “What, really? After the hard time I gave you with Abby, you're just going to let it go?” I asked suspiciously.

Reaper grinned his shit-eating grin at me, “Yep, that’s it, that’s all I have to say.”

He paused, as if thinking, before continuing. “But,” he paused, “I do have you up first in the ring with me this morning.”

“Fuck,” I groaned, throwing my head back. Knowing I was going to be hurting by the end of the day.

Reaper let out a laugh at my swearing before putting on his helmet and pulling out. I wondered if Molly would kiss away my bruises tonight. On second thought, probably not, as she’d just tell me that I deserved them.

Still muttering, I pulled out after Reaper and followed him as we headed to the village and our gym for a morning of training.

An hour later, I was groaning as I took a hard hit to the ribs from Reaper. I wasn’t ashamed that I’d had to tap out. We were both breathing hard and dripping in sweat. There were loud hoots and hollers from those gathered around the ring. I scowled when Navy hollered, “Pay up, fucker.” Wiping the sweat from my eyes, I saw him taking money from Bull.

Reaper chuckled, and he started to unwind the wrapping from his hands. I shook my head in disbelief that our brothers were betting on us.

Grabbing the bottle of water Brice Temple held out, I downed it before picking up my towel and wiping my face. Climbing out of the ring, Reaper and I turned to watch as Bull and Navy took a turn. While Bull was bigger and heavier than Navy, it was an even match with Navy being the faster of the two.

Reaper and I stood quietly watching for a few minutes before he said with a head tilt to the gym office, “Come fill me in on what Skinny has found.”