Page 53 of Tides of Fire

A weapon that would make the world’s nuclear arsenal obsolete.

Aigua finally lowered his phone, stood quietly for a full minute, then returned to the conference room. All eyes turned to the man, who swept his gaze over them.

“The strike team in Singapore reported in,” he announced. “They were able to secure the museum artifact. A steel box from 1823.”

Xue stood up. “What did it hold?”

Daiyu knew the young man had been the one to uncover this historical angle. His eyes shone with anticipation.

Aigua sighed. “Not much that makes sense. It contained a single branch of coral. Maybe it was once afinger. It’s hard to tell. To know for sure, we’ll need to examine it in greater detail.” His gaze settled on his son. “But if so, Xue, it could prove you were right—that this has happened before. During the eruption of Mount Tambora.”

Xue stepped forward. “Did the box hold anything else?”

“One other artifact, one that makes even less sense.” Aigua frowned. “According to the strike team leader, it held an old painted wooden spearhead, all tied in knotted twine. I don’t understand how it’s involved, or if it was added by mistake.”

“What about any papers?” Heng asked, glancing at Xue. “I saw theold museum log that your son discovered. The entry listed more than just a box.”

Aigua’s frown turned into a scowl. “We lost those.”

“What?” Daiyu asked. “How?”

“American agents intervened. A group we tried to secure the night before.”

“So others are on this same trail,” Heng said. “If we asked for cooperation—”

“It’s too late at this point.” Aigua stared pointedly at Daiyu. “Too much blood’s been spilled.”

Clearly the man was keeping his ambition for a new weapon from Dr. Luo maybe even from his own son.

Aigua continued. “But the strike team leader believes she has leverage to coerce the U.S. agents into giving up the papers. A hostage she hopes to exchange for what was stolen from her.”

“When will this happen?” Xue asked.

“At midnight. In the city of Jakarta on the island of Java.”

“Where Stamford Raffles was once lieutenant-governor,” Xue noted.

“I recommended the location for that very reason. It was where the man collected those artifacts, where he resided during the Tambora eruption. Even now, Raffles has a great historical presence there, with contributions across many of the city’s museums. If we’re to make a quick assessment, the proximity to where this all started could prove valuable.” Aigua faced his son. “To that end, Xue, I want you there for the exchange.”

Xue nodded. “Of course.”

“And I’d like you to take Dr. Luo with you.”

Heng backed away. “Wait! What?”

Xue turned to the physician. “I would value your input.”

Before Heng could even respond, Aigua forged on. “I’ll be sending you both with a squad from the Falcon Command Unit. As protection and further support.”

“Why such a force?” Xue asked.

Aigua frowned. “The strike team I hired before weremercenaries,employed to keep our involvement at a distance. That no longer matters. Too much is in motion to play such games. On multiple fronts.”

“What do you mean?” Heng asked.

“We’ve received word that an international research ship is headed to the Tonga Trench. Which will prove problematic. Another of our submarines—a Yuan-class attack boat—is scheduled to arrive in the region sometime after midnight. As is theDayangxi, our new Type 076 helicopter landing dock.”

Daiyu stiffened. She knew theDayangxi. The ship had been designed using technology from her work on the AI-driven vessel, theZhu Hai Yun. The new landing dock was outfitted with a complement of autonomous drones and submersibles. It even had an electromagnetic catapult and arresting gear for deploying unmanned aerial combat vehicles. She had helped design it all.