I glance back out where she sits, and her eyes connect with mine as she flashes me a warm smile. “I won’t. I promise. I know exactly what I’ve got in her…and I’m nothing without her.”

When we finally leave the hospital, Brittney stares out the window while I draw little circles on her thigh. “Penny for your thoughts,” I say quietly.

She turns to me then, with wide eyes and the most vulnerable expression on her face. “I need you to talk to Mandy with me.”

As much as I don’t want anything to do with her sister, I can see she needs this. My past is finally behind us. There are no more monsters hiding under the bed or skeletons in the closet. But this is a part of our past I know she needs closure with.

“Tell me where,” I answer.

Thirty minutes later, we pull up to an apartment outside of Greendale Valley in a little town to the west. I cut the engine and watch as she stares at the door of a first-floor apartment.

I grab her hand and kiss her knuckles. “Hey. You’ve got this,dolcezza.I’m here with you, and no matter what she says, we both know the truth now.”

She nods and tries to be brave, but I can see the pain swirling in her amber-colored eyes. We get out and make our way to the black door with a gold two on it. She takes in a deep breath and knocks.

A few seconds later, the door opens, and Mandy appears. She’s surprised at first, but then her gaze lands on me and she has the audacity to smirk.

“What a surprise? Do you two want to come in?” she asks sweetly. Her hair is pulled back in a low ponytail, and she wears an oversized shirt with blue leggings. She may favor Brittney in some ways, but I can tell her heart is still rotten with jealousy for her little sister.

I take Brittney’s hand with mine and Mandy’s eyes catch it. “What is this? Did you give in and take back the boy who slept with your own sister?” she asks while crossing her arms.

Brittney’s grip on my hand tightens. “Why did you do it?” Brittney asks.

“Look at him,” Mandy says in a laugh. “He’s hot as hell and always has been. You were too chicken to give in to him, but I wasn’t. I saw my chance and I took it.”

“I know you’re lying, Mandy. Hawk told me he didn’t touch you…unless you count pushing you off him. Why would you lie about that? But more importantly, why would you want to hurt me that way?” Brittney asks, barley holding it together.

Mandy’s glare hardens and her eyes narrow. “All men cheat eventually, Brittney. I’m sure he will. No one has ever told me no before, and when he did, I hated you for it. So, when you saw him in my room that night, I let you believe I slept with him. I’ve been cheated on by every guy I’ve ever dated, the way Dad did to Mom. Why should you be the only one who got the luxury of having someone faithful?”

“So, you wanted to break me down because you let our parents and other guys break you?” Brittney asks in disbelief.

“If I can’t be happy, you shouldn’t get to be either. You know what they say…misery loves company,” Mandy replies.

“You didn’t care enough to support my happiness. You’re my big sister. How could you do that to me? We used to be close. You’re supposed to love me like I love you,” Brittney almost whispers.

Mandy scoffs and rolls her eyes. “Love is overrated. There’s no such thing. Now that you’ve let him back in, you’ll learn the hard way. Don’t come crying to me when he leaves, because all you’ll get from me isI told you so,”she snaps.

Brittney straightens her spine. “I won’t be running anywhere but into Hawk’s arms. He’s the one person who loves me for me. It may have taken too many years for us to untwist the truth and find our way back to each other, but now that we have, he’s where I’ll stay. And you won’t hear from me again. I’m done with you,” she says calmly.

Mandy’s face flushes red and she opens her mouth to speak, but I cut her off. “You’ll regret it if you try to contact your sister or come near us at all. I feel sorry for you because you’re so jaded you lost the one person in the world who should be in your life no matter what. But know this, Brittney won’t ever long for love, because I love her more than anything and I’ll prove it to her each day. So does my family. She may have wanted you in her life and hoped you could be redeemed, but you can’t and that means she doesn’t need you. I hope one day you wake up and see what you’ve lost.”

Brittney casts one more glance her way before wrapping her arm around my waist and walking back to my truck. She tucks her head into me, and I pull her closer. “I’m sorry, baby. But I meant every word. I’ve got you, and that’s one thing you never have to doubt. I promise,” I say close to her ear. When we get to the truck, I tip her chin up and claim her perfect lips with mine. I can’t wait to finally begin this journey with her to all our firsts, lasts, and forever.

A month later…

Warm water cascades down my face as I stand in Hawk’s shower. I’ve barely been back to my apartment since the night Kieran was shot…the same night Hawk came back for me. We’ve been at his house almost every night, enough that I’ve moved a few essentials in. Most people probably think we’re crazy to be so serious so fast. And I can’t find it in me to care. True love doesn’t keep time, it’s measured by the beats of a full heart.

It’s almost unreal the number of trials we’ve been through in such a short amount of time, but I also know some things are meant to test you and those who end up on the other side are stronger for it. They end up on solid ground.

Kieran is here in Greendale Valley trying to reclaim the life he lost with Valentina and his kids. It’s a slow and tedious process, but one I think will be worth the effort for them in the end. Valentina’s mother has forgiven him, and I think Marco and Vincent have, but they still don’t talk. A silent acceptance is all they can manage for now, but it’s something.

Aldo apparently fled the country and Angelica is going to be in prison for some time for attempted murder among a few other charges. Turns out not all the business deals she had her hands in were legal.

Hawk advises the Rossis from a distance and helps manage some accounts remotely for now. We’ll travel to Nashville from time to time if he needs to, but home is here in Greendale Valley. He’s working at Valley B with Tate and Sterling again and he’s happy. He smiles so freely now, and I love it.

Valentina apologized to me in the hospital the night Kieran wanted to speak to Hawk and Wren alone. She said a mother will always fight for her children no matter what, and if there’s a chance they’ve been wronged, she’ll spur into action without seeing anything else. She said she didn’t truly doubt my loyalty to Hawk, yet she morphed into protective mode the moment she knew he was hurting because of me whether my intentions were pure or not. I get it…I’m glad he has such a fiercely loyal family. She has talked to me almost daily since and we all have dinner together on Thursday nights like they did before.

Wren has moved into my small circle of people I consider close. I’ve even gotten together with Bree and Wren at the same time. I’m starting to feel a sense of family I’ve never had before, and though I’ll always long for what could’ve and should’ve been for my own family, I’m thankful for the circle I have.