“I know you were in love with her,” she says in a rush.

“Why would you say that?” I ask in surprise.

She trains her hazel eyes on me without blinking. “Because you let her close enough to hurt you. And you ran away instead of fighting to fix whatever it was that went wrong.”

I stand still, letting those words hit me. “There was nothing to fight for. I didn’t love her. I cared, yes, but I wasn’tin love.Good thing too because she turned out to be someone different than I thought she was.”

I tell Mamma goodnight and start the drive back home. I play her words over in my head.No, she’s wrong. I wasn’t in love.If I had been, I would’ve fought for her. Because it’s who I am…I’m a fighter. And I’ll always fight for what I love.

Four months later… Spring

I’ve only seen Hawk a few times in the last several months—small glimpses here and there. Maybe the stars are aligned in my favor for once. My focus has been on writing songs, working, singing at the bar, and sending in demos to different labels. When I’m not doing any of those things, I’ve been with Bree. The last few months have been…eventful to say the least.

Bree is a police officer and in mandatory counseling following two different incidents on the job. The first happened when she had just been hired by the Greendale Valley Police Department. Her brother’s fiancée, Ivie, was stalked by someone she once considered a friend. Briella ended up shooting the stalker before they could fire their own gun on Sterling, who is Briella’s brother, and a detective with GVPD.

The second incident was when Bree was held at knifepoint when Taylor kidnapped Lucy. I shiver as I recall Tate’s warning the night they were at High Road, and I stumbled on Hawk’s presence.

But all in all, Bree is doing good. I know she has nightmares, but she won’t tell me what they’re about. She shared some of her history with Dean Warren finally, and I revealed most of what happened between Hawk and me.

She was right, it’s good to share things with a best friend. And that’s what Briella Brigg is to me. I’ve been fooled before. I trusted wrong before. My wayward thoughts drift to my older sister and Hawk. My sister was my best friend, or so I thought. We shared everything, until we shared too much. And Hawk, he was mine. He promised.

For the first time in years, I feel the sting of betrayal as if it’s new, but I do my best to shake it off. I’ve worked so hard to keep it buried and I won’t start letting it surface now. I’m on my way to Valley B to pick up Briella and I know I may see him. We decided it’s time to have a girls’ weekend and we’re headed to Nashville. Bree said we needed to sing karaoke where someone important will hear my voice.

I smile as I stop behind her vehicle parked in the driveway and then get out of my SUV and start for the front door, mentally going over what I brought with me. I packed a bag with comfy pajamas and a dressy change of clothes along with casual ones. A girl must be prepared for anything.

I wore my favorite faded jeans with a dark purple shirt. It fits me like a second skin although it shows next to none...almost—if you don’t count cleavage. It’s long-sleeved with a deep V neckline. My simple diamond necklace, a gift from my father, hangs around my neck. I’ve paired it all with my favorite black cowboy boots.

I’m almost to the porch when I hear him speak. “Are you lost?”

I freeze as his deep voice hits me in all the wrong places. “Why don’t you mind your business,” I say, but I don’t turn to look at him.

He walks up close to me. “What happens at Valley B Ranchismy business.”

I spin around and face him. “It’s a good thing this is entirely personal, then, isn’t it?”

His pupils dilate as he takes me in slowly from head to toe. “And exactly where are you going dressed like that?”

“Again, not your business.” I stare him down for a moment longer, my nipples tightening against my lacy bra as he returns my stare.Damn my reaction to him.He’s the last man on earth worthy of it.

About the same time, Bree throws open the front door. She squeals in excitement. “You’re here! Let me grab my bag and I’ll be right out!”

I laugh despite the man standing a few feet from me. A few seconds later, Bree pops out holding her duffel bag and phone. “I’m ready! Nashville, here we come!”

She hooks her arm with mine as we start toward my SUV. I hit my key fob to open the hatch for her bag. When she rounds the back of my car, I feel warm, calloused fingers encircle my wrist. “You’re going to Nashville?” he asks in a raspy voice.

There’s a hint of concern evident in his features as he stands there waiting for my answer with his brows knit together.

I pull my wrist back. “Yes, we’re going to Nashville for the weekend. Is there a problem? Oh wait, that’s right. You have no bearing on where I go or what I do.”

He doesn’t waver. “Nashville can be dangerous, Britt. You can’t trust everyone you meet there.”

I cross my arms as Briella hops in my SUV. She knows enough about our history not to edge into this conversation. I step closer, having to tip my chin up to see his eyes. “I’m aware I can’t trust people. Sometimes it’s the ones you think you can, who break your trust more than any stranger ever could. You get first prize for teaching me that lesson. Thanks, I guess.”

His nostrils flare and I start to move around him, but he doesn’t budge. “She’s waiting on me. Unless there’s something else.” I wait but he doesn’t say anything more, so I walk the short distance to my car door. Right as I grab the handle, he finally speaks.

“I’m serious, Brittney. You have no idea how dangerous it can be.”

I stand a little taller. “No more dangerous than trusting you.”