Matteo moves to stand in front of her then. “Results that you altered. I did my own test, Ellie. There’s no doubt Rocco is his father. Now Rocco’s kidnapped Brittney and he’ll only set her free if he meets his son. The one you kept hidden from him and all of us.”

“She told him?” she shrieks. “She tried to use my son as her bargaining chip?”

Matteo grabs her wrist. “You’re the only one who has used that boy for leverage, Angelica,” he seethes.

“It would seem your lies are catching up to you,” I add.

“No. I won’t allow Ethan to be near him,” she counters.

Matteo doesn’t let up, he pushes harder. “If you trust him enough to spread your legs for him and have his child, he certainly deserves a chance to be his father!” he shouts, defending a man I’m not sure is worthy, but he’s a man who deserved to know about his son all this time.

Angel appears as if her brother slapped her, but she’s the one who does the actual slapping. Matteo glares at her as I get Ethan to talk to me with his nanny close by. I kneel to his level. “Hi, buddy. I was wondering if you’d like to take a ride with me and your uncle,” I say.

“Sure. Where to?” he asks.

I smile at him. “We thought you might like to meet someone. You might have some things in common.”

“Okay,” he says and takes my hand. The nanny seems unsure but follows us outside. Once there, I get them in the SUV and I can hear Matteo and Angel shouting at each other. Matteo finally emerges with Angel and Aldo on his heels. He gets in the vehicle with us, and we pull away.

“He’ll follow us. Drive,” he says as he directs me to Rocco’s property. As predicted, a shiny sports car tails us. When we arrive at Rocco’s large house, we pull up to a gate and a guard buzzes us in.

Matteo calls him. “We’re here,” he says.

We park and I turn to Matteo. “Let me call Leo. I trust him. He wouldn’t let anything end badly here,” I say and flick my eyes in the direction of the back seat and Matteo nods.

I call Leo and explain the situation after Matteo got Ethan and his nanny out of the car. “I’ll be there in five minutes,” he says as he hangs up.

We all head to the door as Ethan holds his nanny’s hand. She seems uneasy, but I think she knows enough to understand what’s happening. I ring the doorbell and an older woman invites us into a large living room to the right of the entrance.

A few minutes later, Rocco emerges with Brittney at his side. He has his arm wrapped around her waist and keeps her pressed against him while his other hand leans on his cane.

This is my first time to see him since the fight all those years ago. A tingle of guilt nags at my subconscious.I did that to him.I took my anger out on him and nearly killed him in the process.

Brittney’s gaze meets mine and she appears so sad. “Are you okay, Britt?” I ask rapidly.

Her gaze slides to Ethan and she smiles softly. “Of course,” she says as she tries to stand a little taller even as she appears as if she might fall over.

Rocco’s gaze lands on Ethan clutching his nanny’s hand and I notice him swallow hard.

Ethan speaks, “Ms. Brittney, are you feeling okay? You seem sad,” he says.

What a perceptive child.Brittney tugs away from Rocco, and remarkably, he allows it. She kneels on the ground. “I’m not sad at all. I think I have someone here you’d like to meet,” she says as she extends her hand to him.

He walks to her slowly while he stares at Rocco. When he reaches Brittney, he takes her hand and says, “I think I know who he is.”

Brittney’s brows shoot up. “Really? Who do you think he is?”

He’s quiet for a minutes before saying, “I think you’re my dad.”

Rocco clears his throat as the door opens and Leo walks in with Angel and Aldo close behind, but his attention stays on his son.

He slowly kneels, and Brittney, being the saint she is, grabs his other arm to help him steady himself. He nods at her in thanks before focusing on his son again. He smiles, which is strange because I’ve only ever seen him scowl. “I think you’re right, Ethan,” he says.

Ethan touches Rocco’s chin and smiles. “I have a dimple in my chin like yours,” he says.

Rocco clears his throat again as if his emotions are too thick. He touches Ethan’s chin too. “You’re right. They’re exactly the same, little man.”

Leo stands beside Matteo and me while smiling at his brother and newfound nephew. Aldo watches, but he stays silent as if afraid to make his presence known. Angel finally shouts at the nanny. “You’re fired! You took my son out of my home without my permission to a stranger’s house!”